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远程控制软件的设计与开发 ——控制远程按键 摘 要 今天,许多企业和增值分销商正在把远程控制技术作为有效的技术支持工 具,许多网络管理员都采用这类软件对局域网进行远程管理。远程管理软件对于 出差在外的商务人员用处非常大,这样他们可以随时提取自己家里计算机中的数 据和资料。本文介绍的软件用 C++语言编写而成,能通过一台主机控制网络上的 一台或多台远程主机的键盘。软件采用了 C/S 模式,即客户端/服务器端模式。 客户端对服务器端进行监控操作,服务器端接收客户端传输的数据并进行分析和 执行。本文首先对远程控制软件的原理和 WinSock 技术作了介绍,最后阐述了如 何利用 WinSock 控件与远程计算机建立连接,实现控制按键的功能。 关键词: 套接字;客户端/服务器模式;远程控制;模拟按键 The Design and Development of the Remote Control Software ——Remote Keyboard Controlling Abstract Today, many enterprises and retail traders are using the remote control techniques as an effective technique support tool, and many network administrators use such kind of software to remotely manage their LANs. Remote control software is also very useful to business persons for them to retrieve data and materials in their personal computers at home from any where and at any time. This software introduced in the paper, was written with C ++ language and can control the keyboards of one or many remote computers on the network. The software adopts C/S pattern (Client/Server). The client side controls and operates the server, which receives the data transmitted from the client side and explains and carries out the commands. This paper first introduces the principle of the remote control software and WinSock technology, then explains how to use WinSock to connect to the remote computer,and how to implement the keyboard controlling functions. Key word: Socket; Client/Server; Remote Controlling; Simulating Keyboard Events 目 录 论文总页数:26 页 1.引言 .......................................................................1 1.1 课题背景 ...............................................................1 1.2 国内外研究现状 .........................................................1 1.3 本课题研究的意义 .......................................................1 1.4 本课题的研究方法 ....................


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