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普洱茶英文解读 *普洱茶* Pu-erh tea   Pu-erh, Puer tea, Puer tea or Bolay tea is a type of tea made from a large leaf variety of the tea plant Camellia sinensis and named after Puer county near Simao, Yunnan, China.   普洱茶的英文名可以写做Pu-erh, Puer tea, Puer tea 或者 Bolay tea,是采用大叶类茶树(大叶种)制作而成,而普洱的名字则源于位于中国云南省思茅附近的普洱县。   Pu-erh tea can be purchased as either raw/green (sheng) or ripened/cooked (shou), depending on processing method or aging. Sheng pu-erh can be roughly classified on the tea oxidation scale as a green tea, and the shou or aged-green variants as post-fermented tea. The fact that pu-erh fits in more than one tea type poses some problems for classification. For this reason, the green tea aspect of pu-erh is sometimes ignored, and the tea is regarded solely as a post-fermented product. Unlike other teas that should ideally be consumed shortly after production, pu-erh can be drunk immediately or aged for many years; pu-erh teas are often now classified by year and region of production much like wine vintages.   根据生产制作方式和年份的不同,普洱可以分为生普洱和熟普两种。而就其茶叶的氧化程度而言,生普洱可以视作为绿茶,熟普耳则属于黑茶即后发酵茶。因此,普洱具有多种茶的特性这一事实时常在其归类的问题上产生争议。普洱同时具有 “绿茶”的特性常被忽略,而仅仅被认定为是黑茶。其它种类的茶是在出厂后尽快饮用为佳,而普洱则不同,它还可以在贮藏多年后来饮用。普洱现在就是根据生产的年份和产区来分等级的,这点和葡萄酒的等级评定方式极为相似。   While there are many counterfeit pu-erhs on the market and real aged pu-erh is difficult to find and identify, it is still possible to find pu-erh that is 10 to 50 years old, as well as a few from the late Qing dynasty. Indeed, tea connoisseurs and speculators are willing to pay high prices for older pu-erh, upwards of thousands of dollars per cake.   Pu-erh tea is available as loose leaf or as cakes of compacted tea.   而现在市场上出现很多赝品,这使得大家很难从中区分和鉴定出真正的普洱茶。但同时依然可以在市场上见到贮藏了10年至50年不同年份的茶,甚至还有晚清时期的茶。因为行家和商人会很乐意用几千美元去买一饼古茶。   现在市场上既可以买到散装的普洱茶也可以买到压缩而成的饼茶。   Introduction and historyPu-erh tea is traditionally made with leaves from old wild tea trees of a variety known as broad leaf tea (Traditional: 大葉 Simplified: 大叶, dà yè) or Camellia sinensis var. assamica, which



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