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Unit 2 Great minds mind n. 聪明人,富有才智的人 , He is one of the greatest minds in our country. n. 思想, 头脑,大脑 The movie is still in my mind. v. 介意 mind doing sth. Mind + 从句 Do you mind if I turn on the TV. Invitation n. 邀请 Einstein often received invitations. Invite v. 邀请 He invited Alice to his birthday party. Pleasure With pleasure Would you please give me some money. With pleasure My pleasure Thank you for helping me. It’s my pleasure Pleased adj. 高兴的, 满意的,愉快的 Alice is very pleased when she is with her students. Pleasant adj. 有好的,和善的 Alice is very pleasant to her students. University n. (综合性) 大学 Universe n. 宇宙 He told me the theories of how the universe began. Achievement. n 成绩,成就 I hope I can get this kind of achievement. Achieve v. (凭长期努力)达到(某目标,地位,标准) He will do his best to achieve his dream. Exactly adv. 精确地,准确地 He came to the office at exactly 8:30 a.m. Exact adj. 精确的, 准确的 I need to know the exact time. Action (故事,喜剧的) 情节 This action takes place in Shenzhen Act v. 扮演 He acts as a teacher in this movie. Actor/ actress 演员 Key phrase Sense of human 幽默感 By heart 单凭记忆 using only your memory Lost heart = stop hoping for sth Without difficult 轻而易举 easily Have no idea 丝毫不知道 Play a joke on sb. 跟某人开玩笑 A series of 一系列 Let … down 使… 失望 disappointed = make … disappointed Take a seat 坐下= sit down Join in 参加,加入 take part in Be in trouble 处于困境,倒霉 = have problems or difficulties Turning point 转折点 Believe in = trust 练习一 一、汉译英 1)幽默感__________ 2) 有麻烦__________ 3)做讲座__________ 4)作为回报__________ 二、汉译英 1 consider somebody a genius _________ 2 drive somebody__________ 3 on the trip __________________ 4 do not have to___________ 三、单项选择 1)It’s a pleasure ________ with a famous person like you. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. a so beautiful 2) Guangzhou is ________ city. A. such a beautiful B. so a beautiful


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