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英汉对译策略与变体 Part 1 英汉对译策略 一、重复 汉语喜欢重复用词,为的是强调、对仗,增加“竹竿型”语言的节奏;英语则忌讳重复引起的累赘,倾向于改用代词或省略结构。 因此,英汉对译时,译员可以使用重复来增加汉语的对称性、节奏感和流畅性,而在汉英对译时则少用或不用重复。 汉英对译 一)词汇重复 1、重复实义词 E.g. 所以,今后我们要加强基础设施建设,加强农村广大市场的开发。 To increase and step up, to explore and open up 2、重复不定式符号 笔译:we intend to do A and B. 口译:we intend to do A and to do B. 3、重复介词 E.g. 我们的立场向以色列也好,向阿拉伯国家也好…也都向他们转达了我们的主张。 to… to… China has made its position known to Israel, to … 4、重复连接词 只要我们高举…在…领导下…紧紧依靠全国人民群众,我们相信本届政府将无往而不胜 As long as, then 二)结构性重复 1、不使用通常的省略形式 E.g. 美国在亚洲大力地推行资本的过分流动,促成了危机的发生。而在危机发生以后通过国际金融组织给它贷款。 The United States actually played a part for promoting the overflow of capital in Asia. That is prompting the eruption of the crisis in Asia。 And after the eruption of the crisis, the international financial institutions have come out to extend loans to these countries. 2、汉语代词转化为重复的英语实词 通常汉语喜欢用实词而英语则倾向于用代词,所以笔译员往往必须把部分汉语实词转化为英语代词。但在口译中,有时候情况却相反。 E.g. 我觉得去年中国之所以能够避过亚洲金融危机的影响,那就是因为我们在1993年已经发生了这种金融危机,幸好我们在它还没有扩大时候就把它制止住了。 二、添加 一)添加形成长词组 “为了” In order to, in a bid to , so as to, with an aim to, with the intention of , 以便于,从而能够,这样就能够,这样做是为了,为了实现… 的目标, 以此来达到…目的 E.g. 建立合资企业是为了实现优势互补 We set up the joint venture in a bid to complement our advantages. E.g. the cancellation of some African debts by Chinese government aims to better achieve the UN’s millennium Goals. 同期 Over —— compared with …上 —— 在…方面、领域 In—— In terms of , in the area of 二)添加、拉长衔接成分 E.g. 全球化在加快发展。经济一体化趋势逐渐加强。我们应该加强同外国政府与企业的合作,实现共赢。 There is an increase trend for globalization and economic integration. Given this historical fact/ under this circumstances, we should strengthen our cooperation with foreign governments and companies to achieve a win-win outcome. E.g. I am from CNN. Mr. Premier, you have just mentioned China’s reinforced efforts to ensure work safety. What are the concrete steps you have taken? What role has the central government played and what role will it play in the future? 我的问题是, 还有一个问题: 三、删减 一)词义繁杂


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