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毕业设计(论文) 铁路行车安全事故分析及对策研究 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 系 别: 指导教师: XXX 讲师 XXX 副教授 二○一二年六月 摘 要 安全是铁路运输的永恒主题,是铁路企业一切工作的基础,是铁路工作质量的综合反映。“安全不稳,局无宁日”,安全形势不稳,事故不断,将直接影响铁路的经济效益和社会效益。铁路越是深化改革,走向市场,加快发展,越要强化安全基础,搞好安全生产。本论文以成都铁路分局1990--2001年发生的行车事故为背景,根据铁路行车事故性质系统研究重大、大、险性和一般事故。运用人一机一环境工程学理论和事故树、事变树、成败树等多种模型,采用宏观分析与微观分析相结合的办法,对列车火灾、冲突、脱轨、冒进、溜逸、错误办理接发列车以及调车等惯性事故进行系统分析。从直接影响铁路运输安全的因素人员、设备、环境来分析事故发生的原因及其相互间的内在联系,科学合理地提出预防措施,减少行车事故的发生,避免重蹈覆辙。论文的主要工作如下: 1、统计分析成都铁路分局1990--2001年行车安全的基本情况; 2、利用系统工程学理论,系统研究列车火灾事故发生的原因,利用成败树模型宏观分析旅客列车安全,并分别从软件和硬件上提出了预防旅客列车火灾事故的对策措施。建立列车冲突事故树模型,定量分析列车冲突事故产生的原因,提出列车冲突事故预防措施; 3、针对成都分局安全生产形势动荡不稳,分析成都分局安全生产中班组管理、职工“两违”、现场作业卡控、职工岗位责任制、行车设备质量以及施工安全方面的现状,深刻剖析安全管理机制方面存在的问题,就实现成都分局安全生产有序可控进行对策研究。 关键词:铁路运输,行车安全,事故分析,对策 ABSTRACT Safety is the eternal theme of railway transportation, the railway enterprises is the foundation of all work, is the comprehensive reflection of railway work quality. Safety normal instability, bureau, unstable security situation, accidents, will directly affect the economic benefit and social benefit of railway. Railway more deepening reform, to market, speed up the development, the more must strengthen the safe foundation, do well the safety production. This paper is to Chengdu railway bureau of the traffic accidents which happen in 1990-2001 as the background, research significant, according to the nature of the railway traffic accident system, risk sex and general accident. From direct factors affecting the safety of railway transport personnel, equipment and environment to analyze the cause of the accident and the intrinsic relationship between each other, scientific and reasonable prevention measures are put forward, and reduce the traffic accidents, avoid repeating them. Papers main work is as follows: 1, the statistical analysis of Chengdu railway bureau in 1990-2001 by basic situation of road safety; 2, using the theory of system engineering, system research of train fire accident reason, using the macro analysis of passenger


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