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因为自己做PC12细胞培养,想在接种前将培育皿用多聚赖氨酸包被,到园子里搜索了下,关于多聚赖氨酸的帖子不少,看了一些帖子,将大部分收集在此。个人觉得关于多聚赖氨酸的配置、保存、使用各方面问题,这些帖子里面都解释了。注:我只是摘了一个帖子里某段或某句话。一般一段话来自某一位战友。一、常用的多聚赖氨酸包被可以用三蒸水,或者PBS,浓度一般为用0.1 mg/ml进行包被。二、其他常用包被方法比较(以各种免疫分析为例)snap三、我配成1mg/ml的储存液,用Mini-Q(超纯水)配制,放在-20℃储存,使用时稀释10倍(也用超纯水),即终浓度100ug/ml,过滤后使用。工作液过滤使用,如一次用不完,放在4℃储存。多聚赖氨酸在水溶液中易分解,所以一次不要配太多工作液。四、我现在要配多聚赖氨酸,书上写的用 PBS配,但没写PH,浓度,向各位请教。答:PH应该在7.0~7.4,PBS:取氯化钠7.650 g,无水磷酸氢二钠0.724 g,磷酸二氢钾0.210g 溶于蒸馏水1000 mL 中,以1N 氢氧化钠溶液调pH 值为7.0~7.4,经121℃灭菌15 分钟五、我准备用多聚赖氨酸涂片培养细胞,不知道多聚赖氨酸涂过的玻片如何灭菌?能否干烤灭菌?答:Sigma的产品说明书上写的很明白的。另外,有本书上是这么写的,供参考:Poly-lysine-coated tissue culture surfacesTo coat coverslips: Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 25 mg/ml polylysine in 4.73 ml water (both poly-L-lysine and poly-D-lysine are used to coat tissue culture surfaces; check specific protocol for choice of isomer) and filter sterilize through a 0.22-μm filter. Store in 100-μl aliquots at ?20°C. When ready to use, dilute one aliquot in 40 ml water to prepare 13 μg/ml working solution. Sterilize coverslips by autoclaving prior to coating. Dip coverslips in the working solution, then incubate 15 min to several hours in a humidified 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator. Allow surface to dry.To coat culture dishes or 8-well chamber slides: Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 100 mg poly-lysine in 100 ml water (both poly-L-lysine and poly-D-lysine are used to coat tissue culture surfaces; check specific protocol for choice of isomer) and filter sterilize through a 0.22-μm filter. Store in 5-ml aliquots at ?20°C. When ready to use, dilute 1 part stock solution with 9 parts water to prepare 100 μg/ml working solution. Fill tissue culture dishes or slide wells with the working solution and incubate 1 hr in a humidified 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator, then remove solution by vacuum aspiration and allow surface to dry.Store coated tissue culture ware up to 3 months at 4°C. Use diluted solutions only once, but unused diluted aliquots can be stored up to 3 months at 4°C. 你可以配置好PLL后单独将其


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