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01of23.The.Dessau.Bauhaus 格罗皮乌斯——德绍的包豪斯校舍   1926年在德国德绍建成的一座建筑工艺学校新校舍。设计者为包豪斯校校长、德国建筑师W.格罗皮乌斯。校舍总建筑面积近万平方米,主要由教学楼、生活用房和学生宿舍三部分组成。设计者创造性地运用现代建筑设计手法,从建筑物的实用功能出发,按各部分的实用要求及其相互关系定出各自的位置和体型。利用钢筋、钢筋混凝土和玻璃等新材料以突出材料的本色美。在建筑结构上充分运用窗与墙、混凝土与玻璃、竖向与横向、光与影的对比手法,使空间形象显得清新活泼、生动多样。尤其通过简洁的平屋顶、大片玻璃窗和长而连续的白色墙面产生的不同的视觉效果,更给人以独特的印象。该校舍以崭新的形式,与复古主义设计思想划清了界限,被认为是现代建筑中具有里程碑意义的典范作品。 格罗皮乌斯的包豪斯学校及校舍,令20世纪的建筑设计挣脱了过去各种主义和流派的束缚。它遵从时代的发展、科学的进步与民众的要求,适应大规模的工业化生产,开创了一种新的建筑美学与建筑风格。/topics/136370/ 02of23.The.Siza.School 西扎学校 SIZA ON THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE The building for the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Oporto is located in a sector of the university known as Pole 3. The area set out in the Master Plan is bounded to the north and south by the exits from the Arrabida Bridge and the Panoramica, to the east by the wall of the Quinta da Povoa and to the west by an access route to Campo Alegre. The building, construction of which was based on the Preliminary Programme supplied by the Rectory of the University of Oporto, covers a total area of 87,000 m2. The different areas of the programme are distributed across two wings, each housing several volumes (designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H), which are interconnected in different ways: The structure converges westwards, clearly marking the main entryway to the triangular enclosure at the heart of the installations. The Western Doorway of this enclosure is situated at the vertex of a triangle oriented towards the parking area in the plan.The base of this triangle corresponds to the stone walls adjoining the Quinta da Povoa, which, just outside, regulate the areas complex topography. Small interventions organise the relationship between the Quinta da Povoa and the new building, leading towards the doorway at the entrance to the Carlos Ramos pavilion. The fragmentation of the southern wing results in various openings with views over the river and its southern bank, without prejudicing the spatial density of t


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