语 法2 名词.doc

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语 法2 Lecture 2: Noun Classification 1.1proper noun: Tom, Harbin, China, the U.N.(专有名词首字母大写) 1.2 common noun 普通名词 1.2.1 individual noun 个体名词:a book, a teacher ... Countable noun 1.2.2 collective noun 集体/合名词:family, group, team, class(countable); staff, (全体员工,职员uncountable) 可数的集合名词谓语动词可单可复(谓语动词单数时表示整体概念,谓语动词复数时表示整体中的每个个体) 1.2.3 material noun: water, icon,(uncountable) Ex: The house is made of brick. Brick 在这里表示这种材料 The worker carried 10bricks. 1.2.4 abstract noun: happiness, anger Number(名词的数) Sigle/Plural(individual, collective) Regular change/Irregular change oo→ee: goose geese; ox → oxen; child → children; 单复数同形;a→ e; man → men; ou→ i(mouse → mice); Borrowed noun: sis→ses(analysis→analyses); on→a(phenomenon→phenomena); um→a(medium→media) Compound noun: 中心名词加修饰语,在中心名词后面变复数:classroom→ classrooms;boyfriend →boyfriends Sister(s)-in-law 没有中心词时在词尾变复数:sit-in(s); grown-up(s) 补:people, cattle, police, livestock的谓语动词永远是复数,本身就表示很多数量。 Man-servant=The servant is a man. Men-servants Man-hole≠The hole is a man. 当man与其后的词是同位关系时,man也变复数,man与hole不是同位关系,只在中心词后变复数 Woman-writer →women-writers;woman-doctor/teacher Woman-hater→ woman -haters Gender 名词的性 masculine feminine god godness emperor empress king queen prince princess actor actress waiter waitress host hostess heir heiress shepherd shepherdess Count伯爵 Countess伯爵夫人,女伯爵 priest priestess poet poetess manager manageress landlord landlady chairman chairwoman wizard witch widower widow Lad男孩,少年,小伙子 Lass女孩,少女 hero heroine nephew niece bridegroom bride monk nun boy girl tutor governess lion lioness tiger tigeress Bull公牛 Cow奶牛 stallion Mare母马 cock hen drake duck dog bitch Ram公羊 Ewe母羊 gander goose Boar公猪 sow Common : student, child, horse, sheep Neuter:无生命的,cat不分阴阳性,有两种方式表示其性别:根据名字(英美国家男女名字不可互用);she-cat/he-cat;he-wolf(出自《野性的呼唤》) Case 格 Possessive case: ’s (apostrophe)= “of” phrase ’s用在有生命的人或动物后面,有六类名词无生命但是可以使用所有格:时间,距离,度量,国家,城市,团体。Ex: tomorrow’s newspaper; a st


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