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第32 卷 第5 期 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol. 32 No. 5 2012 年5 月 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology May 2012 油茶果采摘机工作空间的分析及优化 左二兵,李立君,高自成,刘银辉,李 昕 (中南林业科技大学机电工程学院, 湖南 长沙 4 10004 ) 摘 要: 油茶果采摘机是工作在非结构环境下的机械系统,结合油茶树的生物学特性和栽培方式等因素,利用 边界法求解采摘机执行机构的工作空间,建立以满足采摘机作业空间最小、各臂臂长之和最小为优化 目标,得 到优化后的执行机构结构参数;在求出执行机构位移正解的基础上,基于 matlab 蒙罗卡洛法对采摘机的工作空 间进行仿真与分析,验证了采摘机结构参数设计的合理性。 关键词: 采摘机;工作空间优化;蒙罗卡洛法;仿真分析 中图分类号: S776 文献标志码:A 文章编号: 1673-923X (2012)05-0191-04 Working space analysis and optimization of Camellia fruit picking machine ZUO Er-bing, LI Li-jun, GAO Zi-cheng, LIU Ying-hui, LI Xing (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, Hunan, China) Abstract: Camellia fruit picking machine is a mechanical system working in the environment of non-structural. Combined with the Camellia tree’s biological characteristics and the factors such as cultivation patterns etc., the boundary method was used to solve the working space of fruit pick actuator machine, and the optimization objectives that were set up to meet the minimum picking machine working space and the minimum sum of all arm length, thus obtaining the optimal actuators structure parameters. Through solving the positive solutions of actuator machine displacement, based on Matlab software and los method, the machine working space of the machine was simulated and analyzed, and the rationality of the machine structure parameter design was verified. Key words: picking machine; working space optimization; llong with los method; simulation analysis 油茶果采摘作业是油茶生产最重要的环节之 家标准,工作空间主要由主连杆的几何参数决定。 一,季节性强,


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