M9U2 校本讲义2 Microsoft Word 文档.doc

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Module 9 Unit 2 校本讲义(2) Reading 1.No one has had a greater influence on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks. (page 18, lines 1-2) 古希腊人对西方文明的影响无人可及。 noun [U or C] 影响2. They made many advances in philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport古希腊人在哲学、科学、数学、艺术、建筑、戏剧、政治学和体育方面取得了很多进展。(page 18, lines 3-) make advances in / make much progress (L94) advance表示进展,可用复数;progress 表示进展,进步 ,不可数名词 advance 动词;前进;行进;促进 recent advances ______ medical science 医学的最新进展 He isn’t satisfied with the little_______ he has made. 他不满足于他取得的那一点进步。 Progress 动词:进步;改进;进展 in advance _________________; in progress ___________________ 3.The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is the marathon, a long distance race created in honor of a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report a victory at the battle of Marathon in 490 BC. (page18,lines5-10).….马拉松比赛也是,as (通常后接be或do +主语) …也一样=so+be/do+主语 The film is so boring,_______________.这部电影很乏味,其音乐也是如此。 She’s unusually tall, as are both her parents. He’s a doctor, as was his wife before she had children. 他是医生,他妻子生儿育女之前也当过医生。 I voted Labour, _______________.我投票支持劳工党,我妻子也是。 The situation is completely different here, ________________.这儿的形势不一样,问题也是。 Our eating habits have changed,.__________________. 我们的饮食习惯变了,生活方式也是。 如果你不去,我也不去。If you don’t go , ___________________. Practise:1.The Beatles, _____ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A. what???????? B. that??????????C. how???????????D. as 2.His plan was such a good one ____ we all agreed to accept. A. as B. that C. so D. after which 4.In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis. 我们尤其将古希腊文明与其首都雅典城相联系,而雅典最伟大的标志就是雅典卫城。(page 18, lines 16-19) in particular尤其 particular adj 特定的, 特别的,特殊的 She wanted a particular type of cactus.(仙人掌) particular ?(喜好)很讲究的, 很挑剔的, 难以取悦的?挑剔Hes very__________ the kitchen - everything has to be perfectly c


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