Lesson 47 A Thirsty Ghost 新概念英语2.doc

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Lesson 47 A Thirsty Ghost 新概念英语2

Lesson 47 A Thirsty Ghost a. Key points a. complex preposition b. the usage of suggest c. review the grammars that have been learnt b. Warm up Topics for the student to discuss If you wanted to buy a house, what kind of things would persuade you to buy it and make you decide not to buy it? If the house is haunted, will you still buy it? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? Have you ever had a strange experience you could not explain? Tell us about it. Are there any ghosts around us? What do you think of the mysteries that can’t be explained? b.two stories 1.A drunkard in a bar saw a man coming in with a duck under his arm and asked,What are you doing with the pig? The new comer said it was a duck, not a pig. I was talking to the duck,not to you,the drunkard replied. 酒鬼 在酒吧间,有一个酒鬼看见一个人腋下夹着一只鸭子走了进来,便问:“你和猪在一起干什么?” 新进来的人说是鸭子,而不是猪。 “我在和鸭子说话,不是和你说话。”酒鬼回答说。 2.Whats this I hear, old pal? Your wifes left you, old man? Well, why dont you go home and drown your sorrows in booze? Impossible. No booze? No sorrow. ●booze = alcohol ●to drown your sorrows = to drink until you forget your problems c. Grammar 复杂介词,又叫“多词介词”,指由两个或两个以上单词构成的起介词作用的结构。本课主要介绍双词介词,例:up for except for除。。外 according to按照 ahead of超过 as to关于 because of因为 but for要不是 close to接近 due to应给的 instead of代替 next to几乎 owing to由于 save for除。。。外 thanks to多亏,由于 d. New words and expressions Thirsty adj.①渴的②渴望的 I am thirsty to death. He is thirsty for money and power. thirst n.[u] 渴望 the thirst for knowledge Thirst for something/somebody Ghost n.鬼,幽灵 We often tell ghost stories at night, after hearing them, she often looked as if she had seen a ghost., because she was as white as a ghost. a ghost of一点,微量 a ghost of worry / smile Spirit Devil Satan Haunt vt.①鬼魂(出没)②萦绕心头③常去 The ancient house is haunted. I am often haunted by his last words to me. He frequently haunts that disco. Somewhere be haunted = the ghost is living in the place Block n. 阻塞物traffic block/jam /


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