人教版必修4Unit5Theme parks 单词学案.doc

人教版必修4Unit5Theme parks 单词学案.doc

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人教版必修4Unit5Theme parks 单词学案

Unit 5 Theme parks 单词学案 课题: Unit 5 Theme parks 学习目标: Learn the new words and expressions 教学重点:The usage of important words and expressions. 请同学们提前阅读学案内容,了解课堂上要完成的任务,并做好以下准备: (1)巩固复习好上个学案内容准备检查(2)课本 Unit 5的词汇表 Step 1 Have a check about the homework in the last lesson.(检查上节课的作业) Step 2:Read the words and expressions on page 99(读熟99页单词完成下面的题目) Find the word or phrase for each of these meanings 1 several different types of ______________________ 2 the main subject of a book, talk, film or something else________ 3 to keep something as it is __________________ an area of land for a special people or animals to live in 4 to or at any place ,position or situation _______________ 5 something that is pleasant to think about but is not real __________ 6 action ,usually a very great or a very bad one ______________ 7 the measurement of something from one end to the other___________ 8 being the only one of its kind ;unlike anything else__________ 9 in the middle of an area or an object ____________ 10 without doubt _________________ Step3:Learn the following words and expressions by yourselves. 1 central 中心的 重要的 centre n 中心 in the centre of 在。。。中心 He has been a central figure in the campaign.她是这次运动的核心人物 the central park 中心公园 2 various adj. 不同的各种各样的 He took the job for various reasons.他因多种原因接受了这份工作 There are various kinds of theme parks.有各种各样的主题公园 3 be famous for=be known for 因…而闻名 be famous as 作为…而出名 Pingyin is famous for its roses. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or the longest roller coasters. 一些主题公园因为有最大或最长的过山车而闻名 Lin Qiaozhi was famous as a specialist in women’s illness. 林巧稚作为妇科病专家而闻名 4 swing v 摇摆 摆动n 秋千 摇摆 His arms swung as he walked.他边走边晃动胳膊 He sat on the stool,swinging his legs.他坐在凳子上晃动着两条腿 The children are playing on the swings 孩子们正在荡秋千 5 attract v 吸引 attraction n.吸引 景点 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 He tried to attracted the attention of the waiter.他尽力吸引服务生的注意 Buckingham Palace is the major tourist attraction. 白金汉宫是重要的旅游景点 6 No wonder


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