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Chapter 7Trade in goods 1.Protectionism: 2.Bretton woods system 2.布雷顿森林体系 The world trade organization The WTO thus serves four basic functions: 1.To implement ,administer ,and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes.实施管理,并执行WTO协议及其附件。 2.To act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations.作为正在进行的多边贸易谈判的论坛。 3.To serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes作为一个解决争端的法庭 4.To review the trade policies and practices of member states. 审查成员国贸易政策和做法 WTO Agreement WTO协议 了解就够 Structure of the WTO Ministerial Conference部长级会议 General Council总理事会 Council for Trade in Goods货物贸易理事会 Council for Trade in Services服务贸易理事会 Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights与贸易有关知识产权方面理事会 Decision making within the WTO 1.Consensus达成共识: The making of a decision by general agreement and in the absence of any voiced objection. 通过一般协议和在没有任何表示异议的情况下做出一个决定 2. Waivers弃权 Nondiscrimination非歧视原则: Generalized System of Preferences: Scheme that allows a developing state to obtain tariff concessions from a developed state on a nonreciprocal basis. South-South Preferences: Scheme that allows developing states to grant tariff preferences to each other without having to grant them to developed states. National treatment rule: Once imported goods are within the territory of a state, that state must treat those goods no less favorably than it treats its own domestic goods. 普遍优惠制:允许发展中国家从发达国家非交互的基础获得关税让步的计划。 南南的偏好允许发展中国家彼此相互给予关税优惠,而不给予发达国家相应优惠的计划 国民待遇原则:一旦进口货物境在一个国家的领土上,该国必须对待这些商品像自己的商品一样(记住黑体字,分类大题,其余了解) Protection only through tariffs只通过关税来保护 GATT第8条(Article XI)禁止成员国采用阻碍价格机制的配额和其他数量限制措施 Bound tariff rates: The highest tariff rates a WTO member state may set on imports from another member state. 约束关税率:一个WTO成员国可能设置对进口自另一个成员国某一商品的最高税率 Transparency透明度 Requirement that governments disclose to the public and other governments the rules, regulations, and practices they follow in their domestic trade systems. 要求随着他们的国内贸易系统,政府向公众披露和其他政府规则、法规和惯例 Harmonized System协调系统(HS): A system of


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