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一、关税 Basic Tariff Analysis Supply, Demand, and Trade in a Single Industry Suppose that there are two countries (Home and Foreign). Both countries consume and produce wheat, which can be costless transported between the countries. In each country, wheat is a competitive industry. Suppose that in the absence of trade the price of wheat at Home exceeds the corresponding price at Foreign. This implies that shippers begin to move wheat from Foreign to Home. The export of wheat raises its price in Foreign and lowers its price in Home until the initial difference in prices has been eliminated. To determine the world price (Pw) and the quantity trade (Qw), two curves are defined: Home import demand curve Shows the maximum quantity of imports the Home country would like to consume at each price of the imported good. That is, the excess of what Home consumers demand over what Home producers supply: MD = D(P) – S(P) Foreign export supply curve Shows the maximum quantity of exports Foreign would like to provide the rest of the world at each price. That is, the excess of what Foreign producers supply over what foreign consumers demand: XS = S*(P*) – D*(P*) Properties of the import demand curve: It intersects the vertical axis at the closed economy price of the importing country. It is downward sloping. It is flatter than the domestic demand curve in the importing country. Properties of the export supply curve: It intersects the vertical axis at the closed economy price of the exporting country. It is upward sloping. It is flatter that the domestic supply curve in the exporting country. Useful definitions: The terms of trade is the relative price of the exportable good expressed in units of the importable good. A small country is a country that cannot affect its terms of trade no matter how much it trades with the rest of the world. The analytical framework will be based on either of the following: Two large countries trading with each other A small country trading with the r


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