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2015ݧ 10月 机 床 策 液 压 0ct . 2015 第 43 卷第 19 期 M ACHINET 00L 2 HYDRAULICS Vol. 43 No. 19 DOI: 10.3969/j . issn. 1001-3881. 2015. 19. 043 液压岩机双缓冲系统的特性分析策动态仿真 晓光,马飞,李叶林 (北京科技大学机械工程学院,北 京 100083) 摘要:对液压岩机双缓冲系统的结构和原理进行了分析。根据实际工作情况,分3个过程进行了研究,首先是系统 工作前的平衡状态,由受力平衡方程求得缓冲活塞的位置和缓冲腔压力;进而分析了缓冲活塞制动减速过程,并建立数学 模型;最后是缓冲活塞的加速复位过程。借助MATLAB软件,调用〇de45函数对各阶段的数学模型进行求解,得到缓冲活 塞的位移-时间曲线、速度-时间曲线和一级缓冲腔、二级缓冲腔的压力-时间曲线,从而实现系统整个周期的动态仿真。 结果表明:该系统的响应极其迅速,能够很好吸收尾的反弹能量,并且保证在下一次冲击活塞撞击尾前将具压紧于 岩底。 关键词!液压岩机;双缓冲系统;数学模型;动态仿真 中图分类号:TH137 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1001-3881 (2015) 19-180-4 Characteristic Analysis and Dynamic Simulation of Double Damper System for Hydraulic Rock Drill GENG Xiaoguang, M A F ei, LI Yelin ( School of Mechanical Engineer, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China ) Abstract : The structure and worl^ing princijDle of tlie double damper system for hydraulic rock drill were divided in three stages. Firstly, the system was in equilibrium. The position of the damping piston and the pressure of the chamber could be got through the force equilibrium equation; Then the mathematical model of the damping piston’s deceleration process was built. Last is the return process of the damping piston. Afterwards, the mathematical model of each stage was the MATLAB. The damping piston’s displacement-time curve and speed-time curve, the pressure curve of the class chamber were achieved. The curves reflected the state of the double damper system in a complete cycle. The results sho that the double damper systemis responsive, and it can absorb the rebounding energy efficiently and assure the bit against the rock tightly when the piston impacts


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