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1.President Hu Urges Efforts to Ensure Global Energy Security.   胡锦涛主席敦促国际社会协同努力保障全球能源安全. 1. The international community should take joint efforts to ensure global energy security, Chinese President Hu Jintao said in St. Petersburg, Russia on July 17.   1、中国国家主席胡锦涛七月十七日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡发表讲话说,国际社会应该共同努力,保障全球能源安全。 2. To ensure global energy security, we need to develop and implement a new energy security concept that calls for mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified forms of development and common energy security through coordination, Hu said in a written speech to the outreach session of the G8 summit.   2、在八国集团同发展中国家领导人对话会议上,胡主席在讲话稿中谈到:“为保障全球能源安全,我们应该树立和落实互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观。” 3. While global energy security is crucial to the economic growth and peoples livelihood of all countries, the world peace and stability, and common development, few countries can achieve energy security without joining in international cooperation, he stressed.   3、胡锦涛主席强调,全球能源安全,关系各国的经济命脉和民生大计,对维护世界和平稳定、促进各国共同发展至关重要。绝大多数国家都不可能离开国际合作而获得能源安全保障。 4. In this regard, efforts should be made in the following three priority areas, Hu said.   4、胡主席说,具体而言,应该着重在以下三方面进行努力。 5. First, cooperation should be enhanced for mutual benefit in energy development and utilization.   5、一是要加强能源开发利用的互利合作。 6. To ensure global energy security, it is important to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between energy exporters and consumers and among major energy consumers, he said.   6、他说:“实现全球能源安全,必须加强能源出口国和消费国之间、能源消费大国之间的对话和合作。” 7. He urged the international community to strengthen policy coordination and improve mechanisms for monitoring the international energy market and responding to energy emergencies.   7、他敦促国际社会应该加强政策协调,完善国际能源市场监测和应急机制。 8. Second, a system for RD and extension of advanced energy technologies needs to be put in place, Hu said.   8、二是要形成先进能源技术的研发推广体系。 9. International cooperation should be promoted in RD of key technologies in renewable energies, hydrogen power, nuclear power and other energy resources


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