n-余扭内 射模论文:n-余扭内 射模 n-余扭平坦模 n-平坦投射模.docVIP

n-余扭内 射模论文:n-余扭内 射模 n-余扭平坦模 n-平坦投射模.doc

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n-余扭内 射模论文:n-余扭内 射模 n-余扭平坦模 n-平坦投射模

【关键词】n-余扭内射模 n-余扭平坦模 n-平坦投射模 【英文关键词】n-cotorsion injective modules n-cotorsion flat modules n-flat projec-tive modules n-余扭内射模论文:相关余扭内射模与相关余扭平坦模 【中文摘要】R为环,n为固定的非负整数,(?)为余扭维数至多为n的左R模类.若Ext1(C,M)=0,对(?)∈(?),则称M为n-余扭内射模.若Tor1(M,C)=0,对(?)∈(?),则称M为n-余扭平坦模.若Ext1(M,F)=0,对(?)∈(?),则称M为n-平坦投射模.本文证明了左R模M为n-余扭内射模(?)存在(?)-预盖f:A→B,使得M=Kerf;左R模M为n-余扭平坦模(?)M为平坦模;当R为左诺特环且id(R)≤n时,M为平坦模(?)存在(?)-预包f:K→F,使得M=cokerf,其中F为平坦模;M为n-平坦投射模(?)存在(?)-预包f:A→B,使得M=cokerf,其中B为投射模.并且通过这些模类构建了余扭理论.另外,本文给出了n-余扭内射模,n-余扭平坦模,n-平坦投射模与投射模,内射模,平坦模之间的关系,以及冯诺伊曼正则环及(?)(?)环的一些等价结论. 【英文摘要】Let R be a ring, n a fix nonegative. And C_nis the class of all left R-modulesof cotorsion dimension at most n, a left R-module M is called n-cotorsion injective ifExt1(C, M)=0, for any C∈C_n. A right R-module M is called n-cotorsion flat ifT or1(M, C)=0, for any C∈C_n. A left R-module M is called n-flat projective ifExt1(M, F)=0, for any F∈F_n.It is shown that a left R-module M over any ring R is n-cotorsion injective module ifand only if M is a kernel of an C_n-precover f:A→B of a left R-module B with A injective.And a right R-module M over any ring R is n-cotorsion flat if and only if M is flat module.For a left noetherian ring R with id(R)≤n, it is proven that a finitely presented right R-module M is n-cotorsion flat module if and only if M is a cokernel of an C_n-preenvelopeK→F of a right R-module K with F flat. M is n-flat projective module if and only if Mis a cokernel of an F_n-preenvelope A→B of a right R-module A with B injective, and weconstruct cotorsion theories by use of these classes of modules.Furthermore, the article considers the relationships between n-cotorsion injectivemodules, n-cotorsion flat modules, n-flat projective modules and projective, injective, flatmodules.In the end, we also get some results that are equivalent with Von.N eumann regularring or F I ring, respectively. 【目录】相关余扭内射模与相关余扭平坦模 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 §1 引言 7-9 §2 预备知识 9-11 §3 余扭模 11-14 §4 相关余扭内射模与相关余扭平坦模 14-23 §5 相关平坦投射模 23-28 参考文


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