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关键词 非营利组织;财务管理;财务控制
Generally refers to non-profit organizations for non-profits for the purpose of, and engaged in commodity production, circulation, non-governmental organizations to provide services. Therefore non-profit organizations usually refer to the not-for-profit organizations such as the purpose of these organizations to provide paid services and charge a reasonable fee to cover the services they provide and the amount of cost in order to maintain the organizations survival. They are not for profit organization operating as the ultimate goal, these organizations have to pay back even if there is a surplus to other purposes beneficial to the organization or organizations to complete the operation of the expansion, and will not be allocated to members, managers, or to enter any one of private accounts. Usually non-profit organizations including schools, hospitals, charitable institutions, cooperative groups, such as community-based organizations. We believe that, in addition to charitable organizations outside the non-profit organizations, community organizations in order to achieve the mission of the scale of the need to expand services, strengthen infrastructure construction, improve conditions of service, to resolve the problem of funds bottlenecks entirely by debt and the rights and interests in order to raise the required funding funds.
Keywords Non-profit organizations;Financial Management;Financial control
TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc231084962 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc231084962 \h I
HYPERLINK \l _Toc231084963 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc231084963 \h II
HYPERLINK \l _Toc231084964 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc2
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