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31 12 V ol31No12 2010 12 M ICROCOM PUTER APPL ICAT IONS Dec20 10 UDP/ IPM odbus 刘振华 朱明富 ( 430074) : M odbu /TCP , UDP/ IP M odbu , M odbu /UDP , : M odbu /UDP , : M odbus/UDP Research and Im plem entation ofM odbus protocol over UDP/ IP LIU Zhenhua, ZHU M ingfu (D ep artm ent of Control Science and E ngineering , Huazhong University of S cience and Technology , Wuhan, 430074 , China) Abstract: A a protocol of indu tr ial ethernetM odbu /TCP ha becom e the real tan dard in communication indu tryModbu protocol ba ed on UDP / IP i introduced w ith thorough re earch ing and mi prov ing of M odbu /TCP in thi paperSub equently w e analyzed it uperior ity from two a pect of real- tmi e and reliabilityLa tly therew a a y tem u ed to te t the protocol con tructed w ith laboratory developm ent project of em bedded RTUT he re ult how ed thatModbu /UDP ha good operability, ea y to mi plem ent, high real- tmi e and reliab ility and flex ib le application K eywords: M odbu /UDP, Real- tmi e, Reliab ility Internet, TCP / IP , M odbu /TCP , PLC M odbu /RTU M odbu /TCP , , UDP , , : ProF ibnet Pow erlinkM odbu - IDA , UDP M odbu /UDP, UDP, M odbu /TCP 1 Modbus/UDP 11 M odbus M odbu /, PDU, PDU ; PDU ADU 1M odbu M odbu , PDU , M odbu : 2010 - 09- 26, 2010- 11- 09 12 : UDP / IP M odbu 21 1 UDPM odbus M odbu /TCP , M odbu /UDP TCP / IP M odbu , UDP , IP UDP / IP M odbu MBAP T CP / IP , 222 1UDP , , , , UDP M odbu , UDP M odbu UDP 502, M odb u /UDP , M odbu 1 M odbu , , , M odbu UDP / IP M odbu


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