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山/ 西/ 财/ 经/ 大/ 学/ 学/ 报 2009 1 Jour al of Sha Xi Fi a ce a d Eco omics U iversity Ja . , 2009 31 1 Vol. 31 No. 1 转型背景下的规制性俱乐部物品模型 1 2 汪毅霖, 吕晓黎 ( 1. 东北财经大学 经济学院, 辽宁 大连 116023; 2. 东北财经大学MPA 教育中心, 辽宁 大连 116023) [ ] 从中国转型时期公共物品的性质和制度环境的视角, 基于集体选择理论, 分析了公共物品供给中政府和市场两 大主体之间的关系政府在对公共物品供给进行规制时, 必然会在义理性与效率性之间进行权衡借用俱乐部物品模型作 为参照系, 可以探讨有规制的公共物品供给模型均衡的性质和政策涵义 [ ] 公共物品; 义理; 效率 [ ] F019. 5 [ ] A [ ] 1007- 9556(2009) 01- 0006- 09 The Legitimacy of Government and a Club Goods Model with Regulation in Transition Period 1 2 WANG Yi- li , LV Xiao- li ( 1. School of Eco omics, Do gbei U iversity of Fi a ce a d Eco omics, Dalia 116023; 2. MPA Educatio Ce ter, Do gbei U iversity of Fi a ce a d Eco omics, Dalia 116023, Chi a) Abstract:As the missio of co structi g harmo ious society has bee becomi g more a d more exige t, the fu ctio of Chi ese gover - me t of preservi g social fair ess by providi g public goods is very importa t. This paper tries to study the i ter co ectio betwee gover me t a d market o the process of providi g public goods, o the prospective of property of public goods a d i stitutio al circumsta ce by the theory of collectivity choice. Whe gover me t is regulati g providi g of public goods, it has to coordi ate legitimacy a d efficie cy. Usi g the model of club goods as a frame of refere ce, we study the property a d political mea i g of equilibrium of model of providi g public goods with regu- latio . Key Words:public goods; legitimacy; efficie cy , , ,



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