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This is a free bonus version of 101 Romantic Ideas. Feel free to forward to or make copies for your friends. 下面是101个浪漫的点子。 可随意转发给你的朋友们 IDEA # 1 点子1 If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear. 如果对方要离开几天,告诉她你对她担忧,于是请了一位保镖随身保护她。然后,送上一只小玩具熊。 IDEA # 2 点子2 Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as I Love You When the lights go down, your message will be revealed! 买一包荧光星星,将它们贴在床上屋顶,拼作“我爱你”。当灯光暗下,你的话就会显现出来! IDEA # 3 点子3 On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says: “I will love you until the last rose fades.” 在特别的场合,给对方买11朵真正的红玫瑰,和一朵人造玫瑰。 把那只假玫瑰放在花束中央。 附上留言写道: “我爱你直到最后一朵花谢” IDEA # 4 点子4 Buy the domain name of your partners name if it is available for example www.TanyaJ. Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page. 如果可能的话,以对方的名字注册域名,例如:www.TanyaJ。 在网页上放上浪漫的诗歌和一副玫瑰照片。当对方在上网的时候,你随意地问问是否那个域名被抢注。 让她输入自己的名字发现那个网页 IDEA # 5 点子5 Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying “In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world.” 买一面时尚的手持镜子,将它作为礼物送给对方。 在盒子内卡片写道 “在镜子中,你看到的是 世界上最美丽女性的样子” IDEA # 6 点子6 Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a love letter. For example in the following exert from a novel, the underlined letters come together to spell out the secret message I love you The palace was a labyrinth, their passage through it tortuous and interminable. Initially they passed from building to building


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