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Both Jude and Sue get divorced, but Sue does not want to remarry. ...重庆交通大学外国语学院精品课程《英美文学史及选读》英国文学部分电子课件:第十二...本文档由YY198308收集整理。 Lecture Twelve教案首页 学生专业班级 英语专业大三机电、商贸、土木、船舶等方向学生 学 时 数 2 教学目的 了解哈代小说的宿命论 教学内容 介绍哈代生平,主要代表作《苔丝》《回乡》《无名的裘德》 讲解《苔丝》第五十八章苔丝和安琪尔在巨石阵的被捕 观看电影《苔丝》主要情节片段,讨论 教学重点 代表作任的主人公的悲剧性命运 苔丝悲剧的原因 教学难点 苔丝悲剧的成因 教学进程 二十分钟介绍哈代生平,主要代表作《苔丝》《回乡》《无名的裘德》 二十分钟讲解《苔丝》第五十八章片段 五十分钟观看电影《苔丝》主要情节,讨论造成苔丝悲剧的种种原因 教学方法 课堂讲解,讨论,影象资料观看 教 具 多媒体 课后总结 哈代小说的共同特点,和苔丝姑娘的悲剧原因 作 业 分析苔丝的悲剧原因 备注:教学进程一栏可根据教学内容的多少自定页数。 Lecture Twelve Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) I. Introduction to Thomas Hardy English poet and regional novelist, whose works depict the county Wessex, named after the ancient kingdom of Alfred the Great. Hardys career as writer spanned over fifty years. Thomas Hardys own life wasnt similar to his stories. He was born on the Egdon Heath, in Dorset, near Dorchester. His father was a master mason and building contractor. With a certain pride the author once said, that although his ancestors never rose above the level of a master-mason, they never sunk below it. Hardys mother, whose tastes included Latin poets and French romances, provided for his education. After schooling in Dorchester, Hardy was apprenticed to an architect. He worked in an office, which specialized in restoration of churches. In 1874 Hardy married Emma Lavinia Gifford, for whom he wrote 40 years later, after her death, a group of poems known as “Vestiges of an Old Flame”(旧名誉的残余). At the age of 22 Hardy moved to London and started to write poems, which idealized the rural life. He was an assistant in the architectural firm, visited art galleries, attended evening classes in French at Kings College, enjoyed Shakespeare and opera, and read works of Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and John Stuart Mills, whose positivism influenced him deeply. In 1867 Hardy left London for the family home in Dorset, and resumed work briefly with Hicks in Dorchester. Hardy continued his architectural career, but encoura


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