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答案:/news/2004-10-13/google/ Google 的21道面试问题# w) o }5 h _ o! N; L/ ]1 v V9 v0 M 1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of 4 C5 Q! } V5 w??J1 b, Dcourse that values for M and E could be ( X X! c+ k8 z??Winterchanged. No leading zeros are allowed. y7 m! A- u h8 ~: l ( _! W9 G P7 A+ x g$ W* v. W# C8 VWWWDOT - GOOGLE = DOTCOM ( p: {, E( g X6 ^4 D9 \- B! A# |5 G @4 q8 `2 |3 } 2. Write a haiku describing possible methods ) g M z+ n( f; h6 ] for predicting search traffic seasonality. : g M q7 F/ A- ^- { H- j2 a7 H c f B; i3. : h* M: j8 {) N7 A: m. d? ? 1 - ]8 r! H7 f6 l??a? ?1 1 , @/ R( Q5 x! i8 Q? ?2 1 c( T! y X e* e??m; M 1 2 1 1 ( ~5 @??e, w$ C+ x 1 1 1 2 2 1 ) t; L5 q??{9 {2 a5 L Z3 d: O7 H c. b Z. ?. {. L What is the next line? H* |4 `4 z0 A2 q/ G??~! j4 f8 ~- K4 }5 J 4. You are in a maze of twisty little passages, % Q$ c; S4 G w# H4 f5 N all alike. There is a dusty laptop here with a 3 v5 }1 e# [8 t, w1 gweak wireless connection. There are dull, - Q5 { d) s8 P, ~ g; ? Ulifeless gnomes strolling about. What dost + B J( x- c5 k thou do? . B j, j+ _# ~3 j) Q2 b) M! S) _( A. J5 v) V) n3 |4 [ A) Wander aimlessly, bumping into ! ~; C9 k9 m+ U: x5 aobstacles until you are eaten by a grue. 9 P E4 G) ?9 A) IB) Use the laptop as a digging device to % Z# x c i1 R$ L7 h) {: rtunnel to the next level. ??u2 `, N( J! R1 ]) O+ W; P C) Play MPoRPG until the battery dies - Z1 s O0 o) O b, n qalong with your hopes. 2 F! c0 V0 s MD) Use the computer to map the nodes ) `5 _* _: ]; o; @ ~! |of the maze and discover an exit path. 8 E8 n# B6 A2 ~$ `( g E) Email your resume to Google, tell the 1 E. v+ \. [$ ~; Wlead gnome you quit and find yourself 5 V+ [( _ m, i in whole different world. 8 e. s??n/ b n6 S n7 Z8 M E7 e r4 ]; R6 m- ^ 5. What\s broken with Unix? N7 p2 z0 Y/ Z, @3 F How would you fix it? 3 X v0 e5 k- |# d, F* u6 i# Y1 j! S1 h) i/ _ 6. On your first day at Google, you discover 6 L, X4 C! G R) W! i1 \ that your cubicle mate wrote the textbook 9 }9


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