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高级概念文档 高级概念描述 简要说明这是一款什么样的游戏。 游戏特征 列出游戏的主要特征。每个特征用两三句话描述,用以建立玩家或用户对游戏的整体概念,需要在此着重强调游戏看起来是怎么样的,是什么样的感觉(从用户体验的角度着手),而不是要去具体描述游戏怎么玩。 游戏概述 简要描述游戏的关键商业因素,如什么平台,目标玩家等。 玩家在游戏中的角色和目标 游戏类型 许可证 目标玩家:如果有涉及到性别、年龄问题,描述出该目标玩家的游戏喜好。 游戏面临的挑战:市场上是否已有同类型游戏,如果有,则列出游戏的名称,并说明你所设计的游戏和这些游戏的区别,以及优点,这部分是非必要的。 游戏的卖点:游戏创新点在哪里? 游戏硬件平台:说明游戏的目标硬件平台是什么?是否可以扩展到其他平台上? 游戏设计目标:列出游戏的目标,不要单纯用“有趣”来描述,这样的描述方法太过宽泛,要具体针对策略、剧情、画面等各方面进行描述。 其他 用以补充玩家可能感兴趣的信息。如角色、艺术风格、音乐、剧情。同上,简要描述。 A Sample High Concept Document The following is an old high concept document for a simple console or arcade game. It was written before the currently popular “extreme” sports games existed, so although this game was never made, some of its ideas did find their way into other games. Street Football—2 on 2! High Concept The game at its grittiest. No pads, no helmets, no refs, no field. It’s just you and the guys, a ball, and a lot of asphalt. Choose up sides and go for it, two on two. Features The point of view is derived from fighting games, with large, detailed players. You choose teams just like in real sandlot football, taking turns picking players from the neighborhood crowd. Each person has a different look, attributes, and set of skills. Not all the kids are available all the time. The “field” is an urban alley about 50 yards long. Sidewalks are out of bounds. Garbage cans, potholes, and junked cars create additional obstacles. Tin cans mark the yard lines. As in a fighting game, it’s the personal interactions that count. Dodging, ducking, faking, jumping, diving, and tackling are all essential parts of the game. Certain players have special moves or abilities. Five pass plays, five running plays, and the field goal make up the whole playbook. Field goals and extra points are kicked through two guys holding their arms out and up like goalposts. Health meters show the players’ level of injury and fatigue. If you lose a player, you can pick another one, but you forfeit two touchdowns. Rules are adapted for street football: Yo


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