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《最终进化少年》卷首英语名句精选1.i dont want to go home in the dark不愿在黑夜里归家2.live well,its greatest protest生活幸福,就是对你的敌人最大的反抗3.men are not against you,they are merely for themselves人们并非在反抗,他们只是为了生存4.we start and end with the family我们的始终都是家5.be it ever so humble,theres no place like home!寄人屋檐下6.wisely,and slow,they stumble that run fast饱含着智慧,他们缓慢地蹒跚地快速前行7.forgive your enemies,but never forget their names原谅你的敌人,但不要忘记他们的名字8.a womans whole life is a history of affections女人的一生就是一部感情纪录片9.hell is other people他人即地狱10.somebody must play the bad parts in this world总要有人做黑脸11.believe those who are seeking the truth,doubt those who find it.请相信那些寻找真相的人,而非自称找到了的人12.listen to what he does not say聆听弦外之音13.when childhood dies,its corpses are called adult成人意味着童年的逝去14.if you despair,work on in despair绝望中前行15.life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles.幸福和悲伤构成了人生16.men tire themselves in pursuit of rest人们在追求安逸中疲惫不堪17.revolutions are not about trifles,but spring from trifles.(7)变革并非琐事,但却是众琐事的必然结果18.hope is the denial of reality(9)希望是对现实的反抗19.a man can be destoryed but not defeated男人可被摧毁,但绝不能被击败!20.man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is男人是唯一选择挑战自我的物种21.it requires more courage to suffer than to die忍受比死亡需要更多勇气22.war is much to serious a thing to be left to military man战争对于军人来说是一种太残酷的事23.live as if you were to die tomorrow生存如明日即末日24.if one does not know to which port one is sailing,no wind is favorable没有方向,所有风向都是逆风25.not all who wander are lost并非所有漫步的人都会迷失26.all great truths begin as blasphemies所有的真理都是起源于对上帝的亵渎27.the only to have a friend is to be one交朋友的方法就是你成为其中之一28.a men can not be too careful in the choice of his enemies对待你的敌人,永远不会太小心29.every man desires to live long;but no man would be old所有人都想活更久,但没人愿意变老30.there is always some madness in love恋爱总有疯狂31.when a men is doing somthing he is ashamed of,he always declares that its his duty.当人们做他不愿意做的事情时,总是宣称这只是他的责任32.in parallel平行线上33.the basis of optimism is sheer terror乐观的前提是彻底的恐惧34.if you gaze in to an abyss,the abyss gazes also into you你在


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