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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 On the Text Conjunction and Its Translation in English Business Letters 商务英语信函中的连接词及翻译 专 业 英 语(商务英语) 院 部 外国语学院 学 号 0804420612 姓 名 林琪琪 指导教师 舒 兰 讲师 答辩时间 二○一一年十二月 论文工作时间:2011年09月—2011年12月 学生:指导老师:舒兰 商务英语信函是国际贸易的一种重要交流手段。在写作中,连接词的使用事关话语连贯,有利于提高的质量。在目前的研究中,对商务信函的文体特点用词策略等研究较多。基于此,本文讨论了连接词的定义、位置和分类、以及连接词的翻译。根据功能对等翻译理论,翻译商务信函应该把读者的反应放在首位,在接受语中用最贴切的对等语再现源语信息。 商务英语信函;连接词;功能对等;连接词翻译 On the Text Conjunction and Its Translation in English Business Letters Undergraduate: Lin qiqi Supervisor: Shu Lan Abstract: English business letter is a kind of important means of communication in international trade. In writing, the use of the conjunction is related with the discourse coherence and can improve the quality of the writing. In the present study, the stylistic features and term strategy of business letter are studied more than other aspects. This paper studies on the definition, position and classification of conjunction. According to the functional equivalence principle, readers’ reaction should be put in the first place and the source language should be expressed in appropriate receptors’ language. Key words: English business letter; conjunction; functional equivalence; conjunction translation Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Introduction to text conjunction 1 2.1 Definition of text conjunction 2 2.2 Position of text conjunction 2 2.3 Categories of text conjunctions 2 3. Function of conjunctions in English business letter 3 4. Translation of text conjunctions 5 4.1 Theoretical foundation—functional equivalence theory 5 4.2 Translation of text conjunctions under parataxis and hypotaxis 6 4.2.1 The definition of hypotaxis and parataxis 6 4.2.2 Strategies of translation 6 5. Conclusion 9 Bibliography 11 Acknowledgements 12 1. Introduction The main purpose of business letters is to send massages, do business and communicate in business exchanges. With the development of the international trade, it is more and more important in writin


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