Seismic Considerations,抗震设计.doc

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Seismic Considerations,抗震设计

Unit 5 Seismic Considerations 抗震设计 The science of Earthquakes 地震科学 Earthquakes have long been feared as one of nature’s most terrifying phenomena.地震长久以来被认为是恐怖的自然灾难之一 Early in human history, the sudden shaking of the earth and death and destruction that resulted in were seen as mysterious and uncontrollable.人类早期,大地的突然晃动及它所导致死亡和破坏被认作是神秘的、不可控的 Often, the upheaval of the ground was seen as an act of retribution by a supernatural power. 通常,大地的巨震被认为是受到超自然力量的惩罚The Japanese, for example, believed that earthquakes were caused by the stirring of a huge catfish who lived in the ocean depths.比如,在日本,地震被认作是有深海中的巨型鲶鱼引起的 The theory of plate tectonics proposed in 1969 has removed the mystery by explaining the origin of earthquakes and showing that they must be accepted as a natural environment process, one of the periodic adjustments that the earth makes in its evolution.1969年板块地质学的提出,通过解释地震的起源,让人们接受地震只是地球变化周期内的自然进化过程,从而消除了人们的困惑 This scientific explanation, however, has not lessened the terrifying nature of the earthquake experience.但是,科学的解释并未减少地震的可怕. Indeed, in some respects, it has increased it for now, when we tend to expect to control nature’s forces to a degree inconceivable only a century or so ago, earthquakes continue to remind us that nature still can strike without warning and, after only a few seconds, leave damage and casualties in its wake.的确,在某些方面,恐怖一直在递增,一个世纪前,当我们痴望于控制自然力量的时候,地震却不停地提醒着我们,它可以毫无征兆的爆发,瞬间造成大量的破坏和伤亡The uncertainty, lack of warning, and instant threat to life contribute to our fundamental fear of earthquakes. 地震的不规律性、毫无征兆性和对生命的持续威胁增加了我们内心的恐惧 Beyond the threat to life is the threat of the destruction of public and private property. 除了对生命的威胁外,地震还对公共和私人财产构成威胁Jobs, services, and business revenues can disappear instantly and, for many, homeless can suddenly be very real.工作、服务及商业收入瞬间化为乌有,无家可归成为现实。 The aftermath of a great earthquake endures for years or even decades:大地震所产生的余震可以持续数年甚至几十年 Six years after the Loma Prieta earthquake centered in Santa Cruz Cou


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