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GRE高频1200词 abacus frame with balls for calculating abate to lessen to subside abdication giving up control authority aberration straying away from what is normal abet help/encourage smb (in doing wrong) abeyance suspended action abhor to hate to detest abide be faithful to endure abjure promise or swear to give up abraded rubbed off worn away by friction abrogate repeal or annul by authority abscond to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest) abstruse difficult to comprehend obscure abut border on abysmal bottomless extreme acarpous effete no longer fertile worn out acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval accolade praise approval accretion the growing of separate things into one adamant kind of stone inflexible admonitory containing warning adorn add beauty decorate adulteration making unpure poorer in quality affable polite and friendly affinity close connection relationship aggravate make worse irritate agile active quick-moving agog eager/excited ail trouble be ill alacrity eager and cheerful readiness alcove recess/partially enclosed place allegiance duty support loyalty alleviate make (pain) easier to bear alloy to debase by mixing with something inferior aloof reserved indifferent amalgamate mix combine unite societies ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well ambiguous doubtful uncertain ambivalent having both of two contrary meanings ambrosial extremely pleasing to taste ameliorate improve make better amortize end (a debt) by setting aside money anguish severe suffering animosity strong dislike antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease antithetical direct opposing apartheid brutal racial discrimination aplomb self-confidence apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions apotheosis deification glorification to godliness appease make quiet or calm apprehensive grasping understanding fear unhappy feeling about future apprise give notice to inform appr


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