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外研新标准初二英语上重点词组(中英) Module 1 Unit 1 1.写下 1.write down 6.听收音 6.listen to the radio 2.互相 2.each other 7.看报纸 7.read newspaper 3.一些建议 3.some advice 8.用英语 8.in English 4.在课堂上 4.in class 9.尽量不要做某事 9.try not tp do sth. 5.在……旁边 5.next to… 10.帮某人做某事 10.help sb.with sth. Unit 2 1.过得快乐 1.enjoy yourself 6.喜欢做某事 6.enjoy doing sth. 2.总是;一直 2.all the time 7.谈论 7.talk about 3.送某物给某人 3.send sth. to sb. 8.许多 8.lots of 4.请求得到…… 4.ask for… 9.做深呼吸 9.take a deep breath 5.向某人要某物 5.ask sb. For sth. 10.一张纸 10.a piece of paper Unit 3 1.分组 1.in groups 7.交朋友 7.make friend 2.把某物忘在家里 2.leave sth.at home 8.带某人参观…… 8.show sb.around… 3.练习做某事 3.practise doing sth. 9.一些 9.a few 4.对……有好处 4.be good for 10.邀请某人到某地来 10.invite sb.to some place 5.寻找 5.look for 11.例如 11. for example 6.向某人问好 6.say hello to sb. 12.在英特网 12.on the Internet Module 2 Unit 1 1.起飞;脱下(衣服、鞋帽等) 1.take off 4.某一天;有一天 4.one day 2.呆在一起 2.stay with 5.周游;环游 5.travel around 3.参加作文比赛 3.enter a competition 6.票价 6.the price of ticket Unit 2 1.在全(中国)/遍及(中国) 1.all over(China) 6.实现 6.come ture 2.卖完;售完;用旧 2.sell out 7.坐飞机 7.by plane 3.超过 3.more than 8.飞往…… 8.fly to… 4.去过…… 4.have/has been(to) 9.最后 9.at the end 5.在(窗户)旁 5.beside(the window) 10.举行演唱会 10.give concerts Unit 3 1.和……呆在一起 1.stay with 4


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