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初升高英语测试 一、 单项选择题 ( ) 1. Hot dogs are known as all-American food, but first appeared in Germany in the late 1600s. A. a; them B. an; their C. a; theirs D. an; they ( ) 2. You get up early tomorrow. It’s Sunday. A. needn’t to B. didn’t need to C. needn’t D. will not need. ( ) 3. Tom’s mother makes him medicine twice a day. A. takes B. to take C. taking D. take ( ) 4. Christmas is a religious (宗教的) holiday celebrates the birth of . A. which; Confucius B. who; Adam and Eve C. /; God D. which; Jesus Christ ( ) 5. Housing price of Mianyang was high in 2010, but it is even in 2011. A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest ( ) 6. He told his mother that the salt in Wal-mart(沃尔玛) . A. had been sold out B. has been sold out C. sell well D. had sold out ( )7. Jet Li One Foundation (一基金) in 2007 ,the foundation believes that: “1 person + 1 dollar/yuan + 1 month = 1 big family”. And it is very well in the relief (救灾) work of Yingjiang(盈江) earthquake now. A. set off; worked out B. established; worked off C. set up; working out D. set out; worked on ( )8. –Isn’t Hainan supposed to be hot in summer? - . But it’s very beautiful. A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. No, it is D. No, it isn’t ( ) 9. What can be done to reduce(减少) rising educational inequalities(不公平)? A. other B. else C. others’ D. another ( )10. Texas is to Compaq and Dell computers, so it is “Silicon Valley(硅谷) of the South” . A. home; called B. homeless; called C. family; calling D. opposite; named 二、完形填空 Passing of the king of pop Michael Jackson, a black American, also one of the most widely beloved 21 of all-time, died on June 25, 2009. 22 the biggest pop star of the 1980s, he has great influence


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