新路径二年级英语Lesson J Numbers.doc

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新路径二年级英语Lesson J Numbers

Lesson J Numbers Teaching Aims: Ss can say the numbers:0-5. Ss can say the chant smoothly. Get fun from English studying. Teaching Contents: Words:one,two,three,four,five,zero. Chant:Clap,You and I Important and Difficult points: The prounciation of the words. Ss can say the chant correctly. Teaching Aids:cards,tape-recorder. Needful periods:One lesson Teaching Process: Step 1 Greetings T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone. Ss: Good morning/afternoon,Miss Peng. T:Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you,too! Step 2 Revision Game one:Simon says:Give me one/two/three… Game two:T says,Ss do. T:Boys and girls,when I say “one”,you should clap your hands one time,when I say “two”,you should clap your hands two times,clear? Ss:Yes. T:Ready?Let’s start.One! Ss:… T:Great! Then ask some Ss to say the order,the others do the actions. Ask the pupils to point to the magic box and read together.(Tell them “Don’t forget zreo”) Step 3 Chant T:Now everybody,today we’ll learn a chant,please listen carefuuly,then tell me what you have listened.(After a while.) T:Who can tell me what you have listened just now? S1:我听到了You and I. S2:我听到了one,two… T:Good.You’re so clever.Now Let’s listen again and follow it,Ok? Ss:Ok. 2.Do and say: 1)The T says and does,Ss listen and look. 2)T does actions,Ss say the chant. 3)T says the chant,Ss do the actions. 4)Say and do together. 3.Show time.(Work in pairs) Step 4 Homework Listen to the tape and read the text. Show the chant for their parents. Summary: Lesson K How Old Are You? Teaching Aims: 1.Ss can listen and speak the numbers form six to ten. 2.Ss can understand and use the sentences:How old are you?I’m… 3.Training their ability of good habits. Teaching Contents: Words:six.seven.eight.nine.ten. Sentences:How old are you?I’m… Importance and Difficulities: 1.The prounciation of seven and nine. 2.句子“How old are you?的连读及句子的语音语调。 Teaching Aids:Cards,tape-recorder. Needful periods:two lessons. Lessson One Teaching Contents: 1.Words: six.seven.eight.n


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