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Usually you look for certain foods in hopes of losing your love handles or packing on slabs of muscle. But you can just as easily fuel your body with foods and drinks that can do those things—plus boost recovery. You dont have to hobble around for days after you hammer your legs if you choose the right post-workout eats. Here, nutritionist Kristen Carlucci, RD, highlights a range of foods you can eat at every meal of the day so you can enhance your workout recovery whether you like to exercise first thing in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night. Stock your fridge and pantry with these ingredients, and start feeling the difference.你总是想找到某样食物,希望可以减掉腰间的赘肉或是增加一大块肌肉。仅仅通过食物和饮料就能让你的身体机能焕发活力,还能帮助促进恢复。在你腿部锻炼以后,只要选对食物就不必忍受由于(锻炼之后的酸痛)而走路一瘸一拐。这里我们请到了营养学家Kristen Carlucci,列举我们每餐都可以吃的东西。这些食物可以帮助我们运动后的恢复,不管你是喜欢一早上,下午或者是晚上锻炼。把这些食物储藏在冰箱或者食品储存室,然后开始感受不同。1. COTTAGE CHEESE茅屋芝士Cottage cheese provides two different types of protein: whey and casein, Carlucci says. While whey protein is most known for its role in replenishing muscles quickly post-workout, casein is a much slower-acting protein, making cottage cheese an ideal snack before [you work out] because it allows your muscles to continue recovering even as you sleep. Cottage cheese is also packed with live cultures (good bacteria) that helps break down and absorb nutrients that can help make you bigger and stronger. Eat it plain or topped with fruit for breakfast or a midday snack.Carlucci说:茅屋芝士提供两种蛋白质,乳清和干酪素。乳清蛋白以其运动后能快速补充蛋白质而出名,而干酪素则是一种缓慢作用的蛋白质,在你运动之后,茅屋芝士是一种最为理想的零食,因为它可以在你运动之后帮助你的肌肉机能持续恢复,甚至在你睡觉的时候。茅屋芝士富含活性物(益生菌),能够帮助(缓解)酸痛同时帮助吸收营养,让你变得更加高大强壮。(推荐)干吃或是加点水果作早餐或是中午的零食。2. TART CHERRIES酸樱桃Research from Journalof the International Society of Sports Nutrition and more published in Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition suggests tart cherry juice can minimize post-run muscle pain, delay time to fatigue, and promote muscle recovery for runners; it also has the potential to improve performance and reduce post-exercise recovery time for lift


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