roman holiday英语话剧.docx

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roman holiday英语话剧

Scene Two: Roman Holiday Ann: Can I sleep here? Joe: Well, thats the general idea. Ann: Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it? Joe: Im afraid youll have to rough it tonight - in these. (He presents her with his own oversized pajamas.) Ann: Pajamas! Joe: Sorry honey, but I havent worn a nightgown in years. Ann: (regally) Will you help me get undressed, please? Joe: (after hesitating a moment and being taken aback) Uh, OK. (He removes one small article of clothing - her necktie) There you are, you can handle the rest. (He pours himself a glass of wine and rapidly downs it.) Ann: May I have some? Joe: (firmly) No. Now look. Ann: This is very unusual. Ive never been alone with a man before - even with my dress on. (She begins unbuttoning and removing her blouse) With my dress off, its most unusual. I dont seem to mind. (She gazes directly at him.) Do you? Joe: (stony-faced) I think Ill go out for a cup of coffee. Youd better get to sleep. (She flops on his bed.) No, no, no. (He leads her toward the couch.) On this one. Ann: How terribly nice. Joe: Hey - these are pajamas. Theyre to sleep in. Youre to climb into them, you understand?...Then you do your sleeping on the couch, see. Not on the bed, not on the chair, on the couch. Is that clear? Ann: Do you know my favorite poem? Joe: You already recited that for me. Ann: Arethusa rose from her couch of snows in the Acroceraunian mountains - Keats. Joe: Shelley. Ann: Keats! Joe: Now, you just keep your mind off the poetry and on the pajamas, and everythingll be all right, see. Ann: Its Keats. Joe: Now, Ill be - its Shelley - Ill be back in about ten minutes. Ann: Keats. (He approaches his front door and hides his wine bottle on the top of the mantelpiece.) You have my permission to withdraw. Joe: Thank you very much... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ann: Would you be so kind as to tell me where I am? Joe: Well, this is what is laughingly known


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