English 没法 Learn 1.doc

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English 没法 Learn 1

English没法LearnYou shouldn’t say a thing like that even for fun/a j_______________. I tore his letter into pieces/s________________ without any hesitation. The puppies nestled/s_______________ against their mother. The autistic child(自闭症儿童) must have done it intentionally/d_________________. The governor was forced to s________________/cut down/reduce/p_______________ down the budget by twenty percent. He m____________ his style on/after Hemingway’s. =He imitates/e_______________ Hemingway’s style. I g________________/felt along the dark hallway and was almost scared out of wits. . He does not touch any liquor. =He is a t__________________. She e_________________________ with delight. =She gave a joyous shout. The Shanghai drifters (海漂) are clamoring for higher wages/a wage h________________. Avoid/Keep a_____________ from bad company. A faint breeze rippled/r_________________ the surface of the pond. I earn a h_________________/modest income by doing needlework. Drinking is prohibited/placed under the b____________________ in the country. A helping hand was given/e______________________ to the victims of the earthquake. There is little room to harbor doubts/s_______________________ against him. You had better r_______________________/hold back your opinion. NEET/Not in Employment, Education or Training (啃老族) a____________/falsely assumed an official title. He gave full/f____________________ play to his feelings and began to shout angrily. The child the old couple had was a g______________/blessing/w_____________________. This hall can a___________/can seat/has a seating c____________ of 2,000. He was d_________________/r___________/transferred to an inferior post for drunkenness. He was tempted/e_______________________ into wrong ways by the wrong company. The spring sun makes us d______________________/induces us to sleep. The national holidays are established/o____________________ by law. He always finishes his meal quickly. =He always makes short w_____________


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