Gun control 枪支管控.docx

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Gun control 枪支管控

Gun controlSome informationGun politics is an area of American politics that is primarily defined by the actions of two groups: gun control and gun rights activists. These groups often disagree on the interpretation of laws and court cases related to firearms as well as about the effects of gun control on crime and public safety.It has been estimated that U.S. civilians own 270 million to 310 million firearms, and that 37% to 42% of the households in the country have at least one gun.Since the 1990s, debates regarding firearm availability and gun violence in the U.S. have been characterized by concerns about the right to bear arms, such as found in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the responsibility of the government to serve the needs of its citizens and to prevent crime and deaths. Gun control supporters say that broad or unrestricted gun rights inhibit the government from fulfilling that responsibility.Gun rights supporters promote firearms for self-defense, hunting, sporting activities, and security against tyranny. Gun control advocates state that keeping guns out of the hands of criminals would result in safer communities, while gun rights advocates state that firearm ownership by law-abiding citizens reduces crime.Gun legislation, or non-legislation, in the United States is augmented by judicial interpretations of the Constitution. In 1791, the United States adopted the Second Amendment, and in 1868 adopted the Fourteenth Amendment. The effect of those two amendments on gun politics was the subject of landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 2008 and 2010, that upheld the right of individuals to possess guns for self-defense.枪政治是美国政治的一个领域,主要是由两个群体的行动:枪支管制和枪支权利的积极分子。这些集团往往不同意有关的法律和枪支案件的解释以及关于犯罪和公共安全的枪支管制的影响。据估计,美国老百姓自己的2亿7000万到3亿1000万,37%到42%的枪支,在全国的家庭都有至少一支枪。 自上世纪90年代以来,关于美国枪支的情况和枪支暴力辩论的特点是携带枪支的权利的关注,如对美国宪法第二修正案,与政府责任为其公民的需求和预防犯罪和死亡。枪支控制的支持者说,广泛的或不受限制的枪支权利禁止政府履行这一责任。枪支权利的支持者促进枪支的自卫,狩猎,体育,和安全对抗暴政等活动。枪支管制的支持者认为,使枪支脱离犯罪分子的手中,会导致更安全的社区,而枪支权利的鼓吹者


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