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Sentences for Unit 1 Module 9 ◆ In their opinion, poverty should never be a hurdle to the growth of promising students. ◆ Every morning he will do fifteen minutes shadow boxing before going to breakfast. ◆ This is just an approximate figure. ◆ By convention the leader is always a man. ◆ How are you? is a conventional greeting. ◆ The room echoed with their happy laughter. ◆ In reality, life doesn’t always consist of laughter. ◆ I think a personnel adjustment is necessary. ◆ Life is tough, but Im tougher. ◆ Love and hate are two extremes. ◆ Extreme pleasure is followed by sorrow. ◆ The milk powder is declared unfit for human consumption. ◆ The peach trees fascinate visitors from the city. A year of plenty ◆ In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. ◆ The Chinese government urged US not to sell weapons to Taiwan during the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to China mainland. ◆ I will accomplish my task at any cost. ◆ Efficient study is inseparable from good motivation. ◆ We were deeply moved by their devotion. ◆ What good does it do to a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? ◆ Most girls are scared of mice and cockroach. ◆ Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help. ◆ Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well? ◆ I regret to tell you that Miss Shen Dianxia has departed from the world forever. ◆ Once virtue is lost, all is lost. ◆ Innocence / Ignorance is the virtue of women. ◆ His noble example inspired us to make greater efforts. ◆ These few words fully revealed her noble quality. ◆ Marriage based on money is doomed to break up. ◆ Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. ◆ The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals. ◆ Our Chinese teacher asked us to write a profile of the new tennis champion. ◆ The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. ◆ The entire proposal is ridiculous: it will never be accepted. ◆ His courageous deed obtained


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