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Unit one1-5 The introduction of cyberspace and its nature6-9 The feature and composition of cyberspace10-12 The evolvement of cyberspace communities and their internal management mechanism13-16 People need to define and identify space communities so as to avoidundesirable materialsSentence:1. … it’s hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors. (Para. 1, Line 2-3) “Worrying about the neighbors” implies that wherever you go and whatever you do, you must consider whether you will disturb other people or not. 很难找到这样一个地方,你自己可以随心所欲,而又不必担心影响到你的邻居。2. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate. (Para. 3, Line 1) leave behind: choose not to take (sth. or sb.); abandon 把······丢弃在后面,丢弃,抛弃“Highways” and “frontiers” are both metaphors of the cyberspace. Paraphrase: It might help us (to understand what cyberspace is) if we think of it as real estate rather than as highways and frontiers.我们可以抛开高速公路、前沿新领域等比喻,把信息空间看作一个巨大的庄园。3. ... people can download anything from legal texts and lists of “great new restaurants” to game software or dirty pictures. (Para. 8, Line 1) “anything from ... to...” means a wide variety of something. Here it refers to a wide variety of information available in cyberspace. “Legal texts”, “lists of new restaurants”, “game software”, and “dirty pictures” are just some examples.人们可以从中下载各种信息,从法律文件、“大型新饭店”名单,到游戏软件、下流图片,无奇不有。4. This freedom gives the rules that preside in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have. (Para. 11, Line 3) This is a complex sentence, it has two attributive clauses. “...that preside in cyberspace...” modifies “the rules”; “... that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have” modifies “a moral authority”. 这种自由赋予主宰信息空间的准则一种道义上的权威,这种权威是地球空间里的准则所没有的。5. Cyberspace communities evolve just the way terrestrial communities do. (Para. 10, Line 1)evolve: vi. to undergo gradual change; develop 发展;经历逐渐


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