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7种每个女性必须要吃的食物 作者:Admin??来源:英文写作网精华文库??浏览:63 ??2009-8-17 7 Foods Every Woman Must Eat Heres good-food news: The more you munch on healthy eats, the less you need to worry about Friday nights fat burger and fries. Who says? Harvard. Its medical school has found that women who routinely nibble nutritiously slash their risk of dying from the usual culprits, including heart disease and cancer. To up your odds of living a long and healthy life--despite occasional blow-outs at TGIF--make sure you regularly include these 7 nutritional powerhouses in your diet. Theyre the cream of the healthy-foods crop, says Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of Age-Proof Your Body. 7种每个女性必须要吃的食物 下面报告好食品消息:你咀嚼健康的东西越多你就可以越少担心星期五晚上的高热量汉堡和薯条。谁说的?哈佛!它的医学院已经发现女性经常吃这些东西的大大降低了死于一般性疾病,包括心脏病和癌症。 ??? 为了让你拥有健康长寿的生活,尽管有时会出现打击,超出TGIF的范围,但是确保在你的日常饮食中经常食用包括下面7种营养丰富的组织。“他们是被誉为健康食物的植物中的精华,”Elizabeth Somer说, RD, Age-Proof Your Body的作者。 1. BERRIES Why:? Ounce for ounce, berries have more protective plant antioxidants than almost any other food. These compounds not only lower your disease risks, they help prevent memory loss, says Somer. How Much:? Aim for a cup of berries--any berries, fresh or frozen--at least three times a week (berry researchers say eat a cup daily). Since berries are high in fill-you-up fiber, they may also help curb weight gain. How: Toss them in salads Snack on them one by one, like healthy potato chips Add them to yogurt, cereal, and smoothies Stir them into anything you bake 1.浆果 原因:一盎司的浆果比起其它任何食物都含有更多的保护作用的植物抗氧化剂。Somer说:“这些化合物不仅能降低你患疾病的风险,还能帮你抵抗记忆丧失。” 份量:以一杯任何种类的新鲜的或者是冰冻的浆果为目标,至少一星期三次,浆果研究人员建议每天一杯。因为浆果含有很高的令人有饱腹感的纤维,所以它还可以帮你减轻体重。 如何食用:把它们拌到沙拉上,像吃健康薯片那样把它们当点心一个一个食用。把它们加到酸奶,谷物和果汁上。搅动它们到任何你正在烤的东西上。 2. SALMON Why:? Sure salmon is a prime source of omega-3s, the healthy fats that fend off heart disease and maybe more, but are you aware that a mere 3 ounces of the fish serves up 170% of your daily vitamin B12 and more than 80% of your D How Much:? Aim for two servings a week (and if ones


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