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仁爱版英语八年级上册测试题 Unit 1 Topic 3 第二部分 基础知识运用 (55分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分) ( )1.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _______ the teachers’ relay race. A.join B.join in C.take part D.have part in ( )2.The motto of the modern Olympics is “_______”. A.Fast, high, strong B.Faster, higher, stronger C.Faster, high, strong D.Faster, high, stronger ( )3.The first Olympics started in_______. A.America B.England C.Greece D.Australia ( )4.—_______ 桾he long jump. A.What sport will you take part in? B.Which sport will you take part in? C.What are you going to do? D.What’s the matter? ( )5.Li Ming will take part in the boys’ _______. A.800-meter race B.800-meter races C.800 meter race D.800-meter-races ( )6.My foreign friend, Tom, will come to _______. A.cheer me up B.cheer up me C.cheer me on D.cheer on me ( )7.—When shall we go to Yunnan? ?Let’s _______ it _______ Monday. A.make; in B.meet; on C.make; on D.meet; in ( )8.—What are you going to do tomorrow? ?_______ I _______ go hiking. A.Maybe; will B.Maybe; want C.May be; will D.May be; want to ( )9.Don’t sleep all day. You should _______ to keep fit. A.not eat B.to run C.do many exercise D.do morning exercises ( )10.—Hi, I’m Xiao Li, I’m very glad to _______ friends _______ you. —Me too. I’m Xiao Wang. A.get; like B.make; with C.get; with D.make; to Ⅱ.情景交际。(5分) 选择方框中的句子完成对话。 Mike:Hello! 11 Jack:Speaking. Mike:This is Mike. Hi, Jack. I have two tickets for a basketball match. 12 Jack:I’d love to. 13 Mike:Let’s make it two. Jack: 14 Mike:At my home. Jack:OK. 15 Mike:See you. A.When shall we meet? B.See you then. C.Can I speak to Jack, please? D.Would you like to go with me? E.Where shall we meet? Ⅲ.完形填空。(10分) Mike is my friend. He 16 the day with morning exercises. After morning exercises, he 17 English at home. It’s time to 18 breakfast. His 19 habits are 20 good. He eats a lot of vegetables. He 21 ever eats junk food. He say


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