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笔译实践与技巧 翻译篇章

The other glass ceiling: women winemakersDo women have a different relationship with wine to men? I feel quite strongly that — as consumers, at least — they do. In fact, in wine terms, I would actively dislike being a man. Wine joins cars and suiting as a heavily freighted social signifier. Society expects men to know about wine and thinks worse of them if they commit vinous faux pas. Women, on the other hand, are not expected to know anything about wine — witness most waiters’ automatic offer of the preserve taste to the man in the party.女 性与葡萄酒的关系,是否跟男性与葡萄酒的关系不同?我颇有这番感觉——至少作为一个消费者而言。其实,就葡萄酒而言,我肯定不会喜欢成为一个男性。葡萄酒 跟汽车和西装一样,是重要的社会身份标志。社会期待男性懂葡萄酒,如果他们对葡萄酒的认知出了什么差错,社会对他们的看法就打了折扣。另一方面,没人期待 女性对葡萄酒有任何了解——例如在宴会上,大部分侍者只是主动问男宾要不要酒。??Men’s status is too often measured by the bottles they choose from a wine list or to serve at home. “Is this grand or expensive enough for my boss/client/friends?” seems to be a common masculine concern over wine, whereas “Do I feel like drinking/sharing this?” would be its more carefree female equivalent.挑选酒单中的哪款葡萄酒,或是在家饮用哪款葡萄酒,每每成为衡量男性身份的标准。面对葡萄酒,男性的疑问往往是“它的档次或价位是否配得上我的老板/客户/朋友?”而女性的常见问题更轻松:“我喜不喜欢喝这款酒/是否愿意与别人分享这款酒?”??This gender divide has nothing to do with a man’s tasting ability. As has been well documented, in very general terms (and this is far from a personal claim), women have superior tasting abilities to men, performing more precisely and consistently in experiments.这种性别分歧与男性的品酒能力毫无关系。丰富的文献记载显示,大体而言(这绝不是个人之见),女性的品酒能力超过男性,在试验中,她们对酒的品鉴更准确、表现更稳定。??I had the pleasure last month of sitting in on a session at the Digital Wine Communications Conference (as the European wine bloggers’ love-in has been renamed) entitled “We Don’t Need More Women in Wine”. The thesis of Felicity Carter, editor-in-chief of Meininger’s international wine business magazine, was that women are already the most powerful economic force in the world’s wine market. As she pointed out, the US is (at long last) the world’s biggest consumer of wine and here women constitute


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