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攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 翻译实践探析——以《法国大革命的反思》为例 学生姓名: 冯 丽 学生学号: 200910201016 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2009级英语本科3班 指导教师: 廖红 教授 二〇一三年五月 Translation the Reflections on the Revolution in France Feng Li Under the Supervision of Liao Hong School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Panzhihua University May 2013 Contents Abstract I Key Words I 摘 要 II 关键词 II Introduction 1 I. Translation Preparations 2 A. Understanding the Author of the Original Work 2 B. Preparing the Translation Tools 3 C. Reading the Original Work 4 Ⅱ. Translation Practice 5 A. Confirming the Style 5 B. Choosing a Word 7 C. Analyzing Sentence Structure 9 D. Using Translation Skills 10 E. Proofreading the Text 15 Ⅲ. Translation Suggestions 16 A. Strange Words 16 B. Long Sentences 16 C. Translation Skills 17 Conclusion 19 Bibliography 20 Acknowledgements 21 Abstract In the course of human events, translation plays an irreplaceable role in urging the communication of Chinese and western culture, promoting the progress of science and technology, and facilitating the development of human civilization. As a bridge of communication, translation is beneficial to help people cross the barrier of time and space and the gap of languages. In order to advance the development of multi-culture society and cross-cultural communication, it is important to understand and grasp the translation skills and put them into practice. This thesis, basing on the translation practice of Reflections on the Revolution in France, has discussed the whole process of the translation practice, namely, translation preparations, translation practice and translation suggestions, aiming at giving undergraduate English majors some enlightenment and experience when they are engaged in translating. Key Words Translation practice; translation skills; Reflections on the Revolution in France 摘 要 翻译在人类发展史上,对于促进东西方文化交流、推动科技进步和促进文明发展等方面起到了不可替代的作用。作为语言交流的桥梁,它有利于帮助人们跨越时空的障碍和语言的鸿沟。为了促进多元文化社会的发展和加强跨文化交流,了解


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