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一、单项 词汇与语法知识 ( )1. Take my ____, young man, and don’t drive so fast. A. notice B. expression C. advice D. experience ( )2. The lady was standing by the heater when her nightdress _____fire. A. catch B. caught C. would catch D. had caught ( )3. The toys are all so pretty. I don’t know _____ one to choose. A. that B. what C. which D. whose ( )4. Bruce is a nice person. He _____ lend you the money, I believe. A. must B. might C. should D. would ( )5. I don’t think I can ______ another night without sleep. A. carry B. keep C. stand D. support ( )6. _____ knows the fact should report it to the police. A. Anyone B. No matter who C. Someone D. Whoever ( )7. ______ with our small flat, Bill’s house looks like a palace. A. Compared B. Comparing C. Compare D. To compare ( )8. The secretary won’t tell you when her boss ____ back from abroad. A. is coming B. has come C. will come D. would come ( )9. After a heated bargain, they finally agreed _____ the price for the used car. A. for B. on C. over D. with ( )10. I looked around for a place _____ I could buy some chocolate, but everywhere was closed. A. and B. there C. when D. where ( )11.It’s so hot today. Would you ________ some ice tea? A. care for B. care of C. care about D. care to ( )12. The old man went to the information center soon after his arrival as the city ______ so much. A. is changing B. changes C. had changed D. has changed ( )13. All books are________ to the library before Friday. A. returned B. to be returned C. to have returned D. to return ( )14. Jackie could sing and play the piano, while I could do ______.


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