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课节名称:Lesson 34 Quick work 周 次:第5周,第2次课 授课方式:课堂讲授( ),实践课( ) 教学时数:2 教学目标: 1. Understand the story about a man who lost his bicycle. 2. Master the basic vocabularies of this text. 3. Master the use of the passive. 教学重点和难点: 1. Important words and phrases: local, want, pick up, amuse . 2. The use of the passive. 3. Summary of the story about a man who lost his bicycle. 教学内容: Part I Text Learning Questions Give Ss a few questions to help them to grasp the story. 1. Why has Dan Robinson been worried all week? 2. What was he told at the police station? 3. Why was Dan amused when he heard the news? Play MP4 to ask Ss to listen to the text. Ask Ss to answer the questions. 【Language points】 ★quick 动作快 have a quick meal quick freeze 速冻 fast 速度快 I walk fast soon 时间快 I will go there soon ★local adj. local police:当地警察局 local color:地方色彩 local people:当地人 local call:市话 local paper本地报纸 local residents当地一些居民 local library邻近的图书馆 native n. 土著人;adj. 土生土长的 1. ADJ . 出生地的;儿时居住的 Your native country or area is the country or area where you were born and brought up e.g. It was his first visit to his native country since 1948. 这是自1948年以来他首次回到自己的祖国。 2. N-COUNT 本国人;本地人 A native of a particular country or region is someone who was born in that country or region. a native of America 3. ADJ (语言)本国的,出生地的 Your native language or tongue is the first language that you learned to speak when you were a child. ★call at(some place) call on sb. call out to sb. 大声地叫;召唤某人(尤指处理紧急事件) call sb. up 给…打电话;?叫醒;?朝上方叫喊;?使回忆起 ★station 1. n. railway station 2. n. bus station 3. n. radio/television station广播电台(或电视台) 4. n.(警察)局 post office police office bureau(政府或组织机构的)局,所,司,处,属 A bureau is an office, organization, or government department that collects and distributes information. ★want VERB 通缉;缉拿 If someone is wanted by the police, the police are searching for them because they are thought to have committed a crime. 用于被动语态时可以表示“想与(某人见面、谈话


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