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15个有关“热”的单词如何表达 Summer is here, and it’s hot as blazes! (That means the weather is extremely hot)。  又是夏天啦,天气又热如火焰(Blazes意思就是天气热得像火焰一样)!  Here are 15 English words and expressions using the word hot:  下面就向大家介绍15个与“hot”相关火辣辣的单词:  1 – hotline  热线  A hotline is a telephone line that gives quick and direct access to help or information。 For example, the police might have a domestic abuse hotline that people can call if they are being hurt in their homes by family members。 A city might have a tourism hotline that tourists can call to get information。  热线呢,就是能够提供快速直接的帮助与信息的电话专线。比如说,警方可能设置反家庭虐待热线,以便那些在家中受到家庭成员虐待的人拨入求助。一座城市也可能会有游客专线,为游客提供信息。  2 – hotbed  温床  A hotbed is a place that provides especially good conditions for something to grow or develop。 The thing that develops can be bad or good – for example, a department in the government can be a hotbed of corruption, or an area like Silicon Valley can be a hotbed of innovation。  温床即能够为事物的成长发展提供良好条件的地方。这个事物可以是好的也可以是坏的——例如,政府中的某个部门可以是腐败滋生的温床,同时像硅谷这样的地方也可以成为创新的温床。  3 – hotshot  高手  The word hotshot describes a person who is very skilled and successful… and often implies that this person is very confident and maybe a bit arrogant, showing off their success。 My friend’s father is a hotshot lawyer who has worked on some of the most famous cases in the country。  Hotshot这个词用来描述十分有实力且成功的人…用这个词通常意味着所指之人非常自信,还有可能有一点高傲,会显摆自己的功业。我朋友的父亲是一位律界精英,曾经处理过一些闻名全国的案例。  4 – hotheaded  易激动的  A person who is hotheaded is easily angered; they are quick to lose their temper。 I once had a hotheaded client who would yell at me for making a mistake。  hotheaded的人比较容易生气,情绪容易失去控制。我曾经有过一个hotheaded的客户,我犯了一个错误,他就冲我大喊大叫。  5 – selling like hotcakes  热销  If a product is selling like hotcakes, it means a lot of people are buying the product very fast。 A popular singer’s new CD will be selling like hotcakes as soon as it is released。  如果说一件产品“selling like hotcakes”,这意味着产品抢手热销,卖得很快。一位流行歌手的新CD可能一发布就会很抢手。 6 – a hot spot  热点  This expression has two meanings。 It can r


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