八下Module 10 On the radio.docx

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八下Module 10 On the radio

Module 10 On the radio一、词汇和句子Ⅰ.根据句意和汉语提示写出正确的单词。1.Ang Lee won the Best(导演)at the 85th Academy Award.2.Ronaldo plays for his(国家的)team when he wae 17. 3.Look! Bai Yansong is(采访)the president of the USA on TV now. 4.I don’t like this coat. Can you(给……看)me another one? 5.The loud(噪音)from outside kept me awake all night. 6.You do not understand the story, the(背景), what happened before, and what will happen next. 7.Tom have heard some(新闻)about your son. 8.The(意图)of Project Hope is to help students and schools in poor areas. 9.My(录音室)is on the lowest level of the building. 10.My(兼职的)job has nothing to do with my major.Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。?1.玛丽对收集洋娃娃感兴趣。?Mary is?????????????????????????? collect dolls.2.我想100年后所有的东西都会是免费的。?I think everything??????????????????????????????????????? in 100 years.3.在公交车上给他人让出空间是礼貌的。?It’s polit to??????????????????????????????????????? other people on the bus.4.冰箱里没有任何其他东西了。?There is?????????????????????????? in the fridge.5.我认为家长没必要阻止孩子在完成作业后听音乐放松一下。?I????????????????????????????????? necessary for parents to prevent their children? the music to relax after they finish homework.6.请你带领我们参观博物馆好吗??Could you please??????????????????? the museum?7.我不知道什么时候动身去北京。I don’t know????????????????????????????? for Beijing.8.姚明向下看那个男孩,并且对他微笑。?Yao Ming????????????????????????????? the boy and smiled at him.9.好像他已经完成作业了。?It??????????????????? he has already finished his homework.10.她不想和我们一起去吗?不,她想去。?Doesn’t she want to go with us? 二、单项选择(? )1.After????????? supper, she started to play????????? piano. A.the,a???? B./,the????? C.a, the????? D./,/??(? )2.When Mary stood up to answer the question, she was????????? at first but soon relaxed. A.nervous??????? B.happy??????? C.mad??????? D.athletic(? )3.Look! A car almost hit that little girl and the woman driver seemed????????? . A.fright??????? B.frighten??????? C.frightened??????? D.frightening(? )4.It’s very????????? to play Chinese chess with him. A.pleasure??????? B.pleased???????? C.please??????? D.pleasing(? )5.Di


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