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如何处理讨厌的工作?工作中总有一部分让你很讨厌的内容。你不想做,可是不得不做,这使得你的工作积极性下降、效率越来越低、心情越来越烦躁,这种状况其实无异于慢性自杀,因为你所有的情绪都会影响你的健康。下面就教您一些办法,让你能处理好那些讨厌的工作。当然,如果你对工作的全部内容都讨厌的话,你就该换工作了。By: Gretchen RubinHow many times each day do you try to work yourself up to tackle some undesirable task? If you’re like me – several.For example, right now I’m trying to figure out how to send a monthly newsletter. I felt overwhelmed by the various sub-tasks involved, but by using the techniques below, I’m inching toward the finish line of hitting “send” for that first newsletter. Here are some strategies that Ive used:1. Put yourself in jail. 假设自己是在监狱里。If youre working on something thats going to take a long time, and you have the urge to try to rush, or to feel impatient, pretend youre in jail. If youre in jail, you have all the time in the world. You have no reason to hurry, no reason to cut corners or to try to do too many things at once. You can slow down, concentrate. You can take the time to get every single detail right.2. Ask for help. 寻求帮助。This is one of my most useful Secrets of Adulthood (《成年秘密》). Why is this so hard? I have no idea. But whenever I ask for help, Im amazed at how much it...helps.3. Remember: most decisions don’t require extensive research. 记住:多数决定不需要详尽的研究。This is another important Secret of Adulthood. I often get paralyzed by my inability to make a decision, but by reminding myself that often, one choice just isn’t that much different from another choice, I can move on.4. Take a baby step. 一次完成一部分。If you feel yourself dismayed at the prospect of the chain of awful tasks that you have to accomplish, just take one step today. Tomorrow, take the next step. The forward motion is encouraging, and before long, you’ll probably find yourself speeding toward completion.5. Do it first thing in the morning. 将不想做的事情当成当天要做的第一件事。The night before, vow to yourself to do the dreaded task. And the next day, at the first possible moment – as soon as you walk into work, or when the office opens, or whenever –


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