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Marshal Ye Jianying’s Memorial 叶剑英纪念园 The park of Hakka Built for display Hakka culture Mount Wuzhi五指石 Strange stone Strange vine Strange seam Strange tree Strange hole Mount Wuzhi五指石 The scenery of countryside Thank you! * Hakka food Salt baked chicken?(盐焗鸡) Stuffed bean curd (酿豆腐) Pork with salted vegetable (梅菜扣肉)  Salt Baked chicken(盐焗鸡) Stuffed bean curd (酿豆腐) Pork with salted vegetable(梅菜扣肉) I really want a taste!!! Meizhou speciality——Pomelo (Youzi) Hakka hill songs In the past, they have been used as a method of courting between young men and women. Hakka hill songs are also used as a form of communication. Since Hakka people mostly live in hilly areas, song is used as a better means of communication than spoken words. The melody of Hakka Hill Songs tend to have higher pitch so the sound can travel farther. Tourist attractions Mount Yinna and Linguang Temple 阴那山灵光寺 Qianfo Pagoda 千佛塔 Vila Hills of Hot Mineral Mud 热矿泥山庄 Yearning Tea Plantation Holiday Village 雁南飞茶田度假村 Marshal Ye Jianying’s Memorial 叶剑英纪念园 Mount Wuzhi 五指石 Meizhou is a place good for traveling all year round. She has many types of scenic spots worth visiting such as... Mount Yinna and Linguang Temple View from the hillside Built in Tang dynasty A history of more than 1000 years Three miracle Linguang Temple The first miracle: the live and dead tree The two tree are all planted since the temple built. Though the dead tree died three hundred years ago, it’s still standing . The second miracle: The smoke wont stimulate people because of the magical roof. The third miracle: Although many trees behind the house, there are is no falling leaf on the roof. It’s still a mystery. Qianfo Pagoda千佛塔 Qianfo Pagoda千佛塔 Vila Hills of Hot Mineral Mud 热矿泥山庄 The hot mineral mud is a precious healthcare mud, which helps you to keep healthy. Yearning Tea Plantation Holiday Village 雁南飞茶田度假村 A place planting tea and open t


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