中小企业财务风险现状与控制问题研究 .doc

中小企业财务风险现状与控制问题研究 .doc

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中小企业财务风险现状与控制问题研究 Smes financial risk status and control problems is studied 摘 要 ? 企业财务风险是现代企业经营中所不可避免的问题,随着环境的变化竞争的加剧以及受全球金融危机的影响,企业面临的财务风险也越来越复杂和多变。财务风险是客观存在的,企业要想彻底的消除风险及风险带来的影响是绝对不可能的。本文通过对企业财务风险的基本定义包括狭义的财务风险和广义的财务风险,财务风险的主要类型包括筹资风险、投资风险、资金回收风险、收益分配风险以及财务风险的成因进行分析,并归纳总结提出一些防范财务风险的措施,来控制企业的财务风险,为企业创造价值。?关键字:财务风险; 成因;? 防范措施; 控制 ABSTRACT ?Modern businesses face inevitable financial risks as part of their normal operations.? Factors such as shifting operating environments, increasing competition and the recent global financial crisis have exacerbated these risks.? Consequently, financial risks faced by businesses are increasingly complex and volatile.? Financial risks are inherent to any business, thus efforts to completely eliminate them are futile.? To guard against financial risk, it is necessary to understand the sources and characteristics of risk and appropriate control and prevention, sound business risk prevention mechanism, to minimize losses for enterprises to create the maximum benefits. Based on the basic definition of corporate financial risk, including narrow and broad financial risks of financial risk, financial risk, including the main types of financing risk, investment risk, the recovery of funds risk, income distribution causes of risk and financial risk analysis, and summarized some measures toprevent financial risks, to control financial risk, creating value for the enterprise. Keyword: Financial risk; causes; preventive measures; control 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 选题的背景 1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 1 1.3 国内外研究现状 1 1.3.1 国外企业财务风险研究现状 1 1.3.2 国内企业财务风险研究现状 2 第2章 企业财务风险的基本理论 3 2.1 企业财务风险的定义 3 2.2 企业财务风险的类型 3 2.2.1 筹资风险 3 2.3 企业的财务风险的基本特征 4 2.4 企业财务风险控制的目 5 2.4.1 企业财务管理观念必须全面更新 5 2.4.2 企业财务管理效果必须做到最优化 5 2.4.3 企业财务管理要更加科学化 5 2.4.4 企业财务管理对象要以有形生产要素为主转向以无形生产要素为主 5 2.4.5 企业财务管理要更加重视规避风险 6 2.4.6 要根据知识经济的要求,建立健全以财务管理为中心的管理体系 6 2.5 财务风险控制的原则 6 2.5.1 符合企业总目标的原则 6 2.5.2 风险防范与风险处理相结合的原则 6 2.5.3 长短期利益相结合的原则 6 2.5.4 动态适应性原则 6 2.5.5


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