Authorisation Requirements and Standards for Money Transmission 授权要求和传输标准的钱.docx

Authorisation Requirements and Standards for Money Transmission 授权要求和传输标准的钱.docx

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Authorisation Requirements and Standards for Money Transmission 授权要求和传输标准的钱

Authorisation Requirements and Standards forMoney Transmission Businesses2013Consultation Paper | CPXAuthorisation Requirements and Standards for Money Tranmission Businesses (‘the Requirements’)ContentsPage Introduction 3Part A: Authorisation Requirements and On-going Conditions1.0Legislative basis for the authorisation requirements and conditions imposed by the Central Bank and consequences of non-compliance42.0Capital and Own Funds63.0Safeguarding of Users’ Funds74.0Organisation and Management125.0Relationship with Central Bank146.0Ownership167.0Outsourcing178.0Other Places of Business199.0Record Keeping1910.0Definitions20Part B: Additional Regulatory RequirementsAdditional Regulatory Requirements22INTRODUCTIONThe obligation to hold an authorisation applies to all persons who provide a money transmission service as defined in the Central Bank Act 1997 (as amended) (‘the Act’).In accordance with Part V of the Act, a person (legal or natural) shall not provide a money transmission service unless the person is a holder of the required authorisation from the Central Bank. Section 29 of the Act provides that it is a criminal offence to carry on a money transmission business unless the person is the holder of an authorisation. Section 36K provides that if a body corporate commits an offence under Part V of the Act, each person who was an officer of the body at the time the offence is found to have been committed, commits an offence.All money transmission services provided by a money transmission business must be conducted within the State. If a money transmission business wishes to provide money transmission services in another jurisdiction it must seek the appropriate authorisation from the relevant competent authority in that jurisdiction.Part A of this document sets out:the authorisation requirements that must be complied with by an applicant seeking authorisation as a money transmission business;andthe on-going conditions that are imposed by the Central Ban


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