CAP Reform Results - Vicky Ford:CAP改革的结果-维姬福特.doc

CAP Reform Results - Vicky Ford:CAP改革的结果-维姬福特.doc

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CAP Reform Results - Vicky Ford:CAP改革的结果-维姬福特

CAP Reform Results MFF CAP Reform issues The following MMF related issues were agreed at the final trilogue on the 24th September 2013, which brought to a close all the major negotiations of this CAP reform. Capping of payments to large farmers Capping payments over €300,000 to individual holdings will be voluntary for the member state. There will be no obligation to impose it. However, payments over €150,000 will be subject to a 5% reduction. If a member state decides to grant a redistributive payment on the first hectares using more than 5% of the national envelope they can choose not to apply this reduction. These figures will relate only to the direct payment, not to the greening element of the payment and salaries linked to agricultural activity are not included in the figure. Flexibility between Pillars Member states may move up to 15% of their Direct Payments (Pillar 1) national envelope to rural development schemes. (pillar 2). This money does not need to be co-financed by the member state. Member states can for the first time move money from Pillar 2 to pillar 1. Member states which receive below the average EU per hectare payment can move 25% of their entire rural development financial envelope into Pillar 1. Member states which receive above the average EU per hectare payment can move 15% of their RD envelope into Pillar 1. Cofinancing rates (EU contribution) The following co-financing rates for rural development were agreed. 85% for Less developed regions, outermost regions and the smaller Aegean islands 75% for regions whose GDP per capita was less than 75% of EU-25 average, but whose GDP per capita is above 75% of the GDP average of the EU-27 63% for transition regions 53% for all other regions 80% for LEADER operations increased to 90% in the outermost regions 75% of operations relating to the environment and climate change mitigation 100% for money moved from pillar 1 to pillar 2 (voluntary modulation) up to 95% for countries in financial diffic



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